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Is the World Ready for a Beyoncé and Cara Delevingne Collab?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Queens of cool, Beyoncé and Cara Delevinigne, recently posted nearly identical Instagram posts of their perfectly manicured hands hovering over music switchboards. So what’s the big deal about this? It was the same switchboard in both photos. Beyoncé, as we all know, rocks the charts, while Cara is the darling of Chanel creative director Karl Lagerfeld. The 22-year old model has appeared in music videos before, most recently Chance the Rapper’s “Nothing Came to Me”. Yoncé’s post was captioned with a music emoji, which leaves us wondering if these two powerhouses are working on a musical collaboration. Could this be Cara’s time to shine off the runway and behind the mic? Only time, and Instagram, will tell. (Vanity Fair)

Originally from Boston, Caroline is a sophomore International Studies major and French minor at Fairfield University. She is a News Editor for Her Campus Fairfield as well as the Twitter Account Manager. When not hitting the books you can find her talking about cats and over posting on Instagram as @wiccancool.
Amanda McKelvey is a Co-Campus Correspondent and a senior at Fairfield University. She is a Journalism major with minors in Psychology and Communications. In addition to being a CC she has held internships with Michael Kors, CollegeFashionista.com and the Rockville Centre and Baldwin Heralds. In her free time, Amanda enjoys days on the beaches of Long Island, watching Scandal, Chicago Fire and the Bachelorette, eating anything sweet (chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes—you name it!) and reading a good book. She’s excited to spend her senior year living at Fairfield Beach with her best friends including fellow CC Danielle Tullo! You can follow her on Twitter @theAMANDAshowww or on Instagram @ammckelvey.