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Top 10 BEST Hannah Montana Moments

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Today, March 24th, 2016, is the 10-year anniversary of the premier of the popular Disney Channel show, Hannah Montana. This show supplied viewers with many laughs, and maybe even a few tears. In honor of this important day, here is a definitive ranking of the top ten best moments ever in Hannah Montana history.

When Jake and Miley finally kissed.

The Jonas Brothers’ cameo


The bone dance


When Jake told Miley his real name was Leslie


The Hoedown Throwdown


When Miley revealed her ~true identity~


When Miley failed her road test


The “He Could Be the One” episode

When the world thought Miley and Jackson were dating


Cheese Jerky





Aileen is a senior communication major and marketing minor who resides in Westchester, NY. She is a Executive Features Editor at Her Campus Fairfield and loves online shopping, snuggling with her dog, and working out. the Follow her on Instagram @aklindy!
Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.