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The Stages of Senioritis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Stage 1: Bring it On

Senior year begins like most other years of college. The first week of class is filled with enthusiasm, dressing up for class, being on time, and a backpack filled with an array of pens, pencils, and notebooks. Unlike other years (since this is your last year of college), you are extra motivated for all of your classes and want to go out on the top of your game. Landing your dream job and graduating with the highest GPA possible is a priority.

Stage 2: Attack of the Underclassmen

Who are these new freshman girls trying to act like they run the school and showing up at the Point like they own the place? You’re a senior now, and not afraid to mark your territory. Even though we were all freshman once, we’re seniors now. Don’t worry freshman, your time will come.

Stage 3: Bye, Motivation

Anywhere between 2 days and 1 week into the semester, you’ve officially lost all motivation. Your “bring it on” attitude fades, and all you can think about is going out with your friends. I mean how many more times in your life will you be able to go out, get drunk, and make poor decisions? Like never. Goodbye textbooks, hello tequila! This of course is assuming you actually bought your textbooks in the first place, which is not a senior year guarantee? Oh, and it’s also a special occasion when you go to class wearing something other than sweatpants.

Stage 4: Wait, I still go to school?

As finals approach, you are reminded that you actually go to school. Which is the point where you start to regret all the $2 Tuesdays and Thirsty Thursdays you attended this semester. Anxiety is an understatement as you are now forced to cram a semesters worth of material into your brain and pass your finals. Yes, you will not graduate if you fail a class. Insert sleepless nights, coffee overload, and borderline insanity here.

Stage 5: Christmas Break

Winter break is welcomed with open arms as you have survived finals, congratulations! Naturally, you don’t leave for home without one more night out to celebrate the end of finals, because every college senior knows that something as impressive as actually attending your 8 a.m. calls for a celebration. However, your calm state doesn’t last long. Too much free time on your hands and being away from your friends over break has you contemplating your future. You will be living on your own in 6 months and have no job opportunities on the horizon. And…here comes the panic.


Thinking about your future has you thinking about marriage. You realize you haven’t had a boyfriend since the 7th grade and somehow want to be married with a child by age 30. So now you are jobless and single. Wine becomes the friend you can’t live without.


Stage 7: Regaining Motivation

After the reality check over Christmas break and a few good pep talks from your mom, you regain your confidence and are ready to tackle the second half of the semester.

Stage 8: Bye, Motivation Part 2

Your newfound motivation lasts about a week before you resort to your “YOLO” attitude and getting drunk every night with your friends. Again. Your life slowly becomes of living reality of Asher Roth’s song I Love College.

Stage 9: I hate everyone

After being around the same people for the past 4 years, just like family, everyone starts to get on your last nerve. You get to the point where you are “so over” partying and just want to graduate. Don’t worry, this won’t last long.

Stage 10: Graduation

After a rejuvenating spring break either spent at home apart from your classmates, or partying at a tropical getaway, you have a newfound love for your class. You realize you only have a few months left with your best friends and want to make the most of it. The stress of school becomes less as you realize there is no question you will pass all your classes and graduate, future plans for after graduation are assembling, and you cherish your last college moments with the friends that have become like family.

Molly Leidig is a bubbly Fairfield University senior Communication major with a minor in Journalism. She is originally from Delaware (YES, Delaware is a state!) and hopes to live in the big apple after graduation. In her time at Fairfield, she was captain of the Cross-Country team, Coffee-Break editor at the Fairfield Mirror, and currently interns at Marie Claire magazine. She enjoy chocolate, kisses & coffee. Follow her on Instagram/Twitter @MollDollTrouble.
Amanda McKelvey is a Co-Campus Correspondent and a senior at Fairfield University. She is a Journalism major with minors in Psychology and Communications. In addition to being a CC she has held internships with Michael Kors, CollegeFashionista.com and the Rockville Centre and Baldwin Heralds. In her free time, Amanda enjoys days on the beaches of Long Island, watching Scandal, Chicago Fire and the Bachelorette, eating anything sweet (chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes—you name it!) and reading a good book. She’s excited to spend her senior year living at Fairfield Beach with her best friends including fellow CC Danielle Tullo! You can follow her on Twitter @theAMANDAshowww or on Instagram @ammckelvey.