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The Six Best Super Foods To Fuel Your Brain

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

As collegiettes, we are constantly running around campus like crazy to check off items on our to-do lists. We have endless amounts of assignments due, club and organization obligations, and always have to make time to phone home. All these tasks, along with trying to find time to sleep, have a social life, and live a healthy lifestyle, can take a toll on any college student. Let’s be honest—everyone needs the brainpower to conquer their college careers and our lives. Well, we’ve got you covered ladies! Here are the best super foods to fuel your brain to keep you going:

1. Almonds

You can easily take these tasty treats along with you anywhere you go. They are known to not only boost your mood but also protect you from mental decline as you age.

2. Dark Chocolate

Who ever said chocolate was not good for you was clearly wrong! Dark chocolate is antioxidant-rich and promotes blood flow, allowing for a decrease in blood pressure.

3. Berries

All we have to do is head over to Barone to get our fix of berries for the day. Berries, especially blueberries, help keep the mind sharp. They protect the brain from “harmful free radicals” that can cause memory loss.

4. Caffeine

Our iced coffee addictions can now be justified in the fact that it can help ward off depression, especially in women. I think I’ll add another cup to my daily routine…

5. Spinach

I guess our mothers were right when they said to eat our greens. Spinach protects against cognitive decline allowing us to live longer and fuller lives!


Avocados are packed with loads of nutrients! That is exactly why we pay extra for guac, #sorrynotsorry. They can help prevent cancer, protect your sight, relieve symptoms of arthritis, and keep your heart healthy.

Stay healthy girls; we have a whole world to conquer! 

Adriana is currently a second semester senior at Fairfield University. She is majoring in Communication and English with a concentration in creative writing as well as a double minor in marketing and women, gender and sexuality studies.              
Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.