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Setting the Seine: Sarah’s 10 Tips to Know Before Studying Abroad in Paris

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Paris is a gorgeous, historic, culturally rich, exciting, and at times, intimidating city. For those of you thinking of studying abroad in Paris or even just visiting, here are some tips to be fully prepared for the city of light. 

1. Sundays are for picnics and museums!

Sundays in Paris are quiet and meant for relaxing walks and picnics. Every store, besides those near tourist attractions, is typically closed on Sundays or closes after noon. Even though stores are closed, be sure to visit the many museums of Paris, especially on the first Sunday of the month when entrance is free! 

2. Say Bonjour!

Wondering why the store clerk gave you that icy glare? It’s probably because you didn’t say Bonjour Madame/Monsieur! In Paris you must say Bonjour when entering a store or restaurant and Merci! when leaving. It’s a way to instantly make the French like you a little more, and prove that Americans aren’t impolite. 

3. The Metro isn’t open all night

Unlike the Subway, the Metro isn’t open all night! It closes at 12:30am on the weekdays and 2 am on the weekends. After a late night of exploring Paris’ many bars and clubs with your new friends be sure to hop in a cab or Uber to get home safely! 

4. Iced coffee doesn’t exist

Not only do Parisians strictly drink warm coffee drinks, but ice in general doesn’t seem to exist in Paris. Enjoy a nice Café au Lait or espresso on warm days like the rest of Paris. 

5. Discover a love of Nutella

Forget about your American food staples and learn to love the French way! In Paris Nutella trumps all other spreads. Whether its in a crepe, croissant or on a baguette, this will probably become your breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

6. Be prepared to be “English’d”

Being in Paris is a perfect time to practice your French skills, especially if you’re studying there. Learn a few French phrases, the French will appreciate it, but don’t be surprised when they speak English back to you. 

7. The importance of Happy Hour

Unfortunately Paris is one of the most expensive cities in Europe, and alcohol is no exception. A cocktail typically costs anywhere from 8 to 15 euro. If bars are your thing, be on the hunt for a cheap one with a good long happy hour! Many bars and cafes have happy hours that last until 10 pm or midnight, with 5 euro cocktails and 4 euro pints of beer! 

8. Get to know your local market

Even though Paris has many supermarkets, such as Monoprix and Franprix, the quality and price of the fruits, vegetables, etc. at your neighborhood market is significantly better. Feel like a true Parisian and support the local farmers and traditional shops by shopping the markets, fromageries (cheese shop), charcuteries (meat shop), patisserie (bakery), and boulangerie (bread shop). 

9. Leave your heels at home!

While it may seem like a movie to strut around Paris in your most stylish stilettos, leave them at home! Paris is a very big and very old city with beautiful streets, made out of unfriendly cobblestones. Not only will you ruin your shoes, you’ll probably get injured in the process. 

10. The city is bigger than you think!

Paris is a large city, divided into 20 arrondissements. However, don’t be overwhelmed by its size! Try one new thing or place everyday and before you know it you’ll have checked everything off your list!

Amanda McKelvey is a Co-Campus Correspondent and a senior at Fairfield University. She is a Journalism major with minors in Psychology and Communications. In addition to being a CC she has held internships with Michael Kors, CollegeFashionista.com and the Rockville Centre and Baldwin Heralds. In her free time, Amanda enjoys days on the beaches of Long Island, watching Scandal, Chicago Fire and the Bachelorette, eating anything sweet (chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes—you name it!) and reading a good book. She’s excited to spend her senior year living at Fairfield Beach with her best friends including fellow CC Danielle Tullo! You can follow her on Twitter @theAMANDAshowww or on Instagram @ammckelvey.