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“Review on the New & Improved Dolan School of Business”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Welcome back to campus, Collegiettes! All you business majors have been waiting for quite some time now for the brand-new Dolan School of Business to finally open its doors. Well, the time has finally come! The new Dolan is open, and business students are loving the building. There are so many incredible changes and updates, and we are so excited to share them with you! 



As a double major in Finance and Accounting, I personally am thrilled to be able to finally experience and explore all there is in the new building. Goodbye old 70s theme carpet, and hello to the beautiful views! The building itself is just about 80,000 square feet and has two full floors of classrooms, as well as another floor for all of the DSB professor’s offices. There is also one of the three Dunkin’ locations inside, which us #caffeineaddicts couldn’t be happier about! 



Also, there is an entire section dedicated to a ticker-tape for classes and clubs that work with stocks and the stock market. This is so exciting to have as a part of our business program and will really make Fairfield students have an edge with the type of knowledge they will gain while here. 


We are so ~ecstatic~ to see what else is in store for this beautiful addition to campus! The only downside is for the freshmen this year who don’t get to experience the lovely long walk to the old DSB, as well as the -vintage- feel of the place! 


Best of luck to everyone this semester! 

Erica Salisbury

Fairfield '22

Erica is a Senior at Fairfield University majoring in Accounting with a minor in Digital Journalism. She has always loved fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, and is so excited to be a part of Her Campus again at Fairfield! She cannot wait to see all the things in store for her during her last year at Fairfield, especially with being involved in Her Campus.
Katie Mazzotta

Fairfield '21

Katie Mazzotta, from Massachusetts, studies marketing and finance at Fairfield University. She is the campus correspondent for Fairfield's Her Campus chapter. Her creativity and marketing skills provide a beneficial influence on the chapter's event planning and social media accounts. In her free time, she loves the beach and spending time with friends and family.