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An Open Letter To The Woman Whom I Am Most Thankful For This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Dear Mom,

I know I do not tell you often enough between being at college and with friends, but I want you to know that what I am most thankful for this holiday season is you. To say distance makes the heart grow fonder could not be more correct. I never realized how much you did for me on a daily basis until I went off to college and started doing them myself. Although you may be far, I know you are always here for me no matter what, so here are a few things that you do that I am thankful for.

I am thankful for you being my cheerleader throughout my life; that always helped me when I was worried of not being capable or good enough. By simply knowing that I will always have you in my corner, I know I can accomplish anything.

I am thankful for you always being there for me, whether at 1 p.m. or 1 a.m., I always have you there whenever I need to vent or talk. You are never bothered by my late calls and are always happy to be there for me.

I am thankful for your cooking because it gives me something to always look forward to when I come home. I never truly appreciated it until I was forced to eat dining hall food everyday.

I am thankful for you being my own personal therapist to help me through the various struggles of college. You always know exactly what to say and I would be lost without your fantastic advice because, it’s true, mom is always right.

I am thankful for your sense of humor that always made my childhood fun and full of laughter.

I am thankful for all you do for our family whether it is simply making us dinner or doing our laundry. You gave up everything in order to take care of us and for that I am so thankful.

I am thankful for the person you brought me up to be, a person who is kind and respectful towards others who strives to be the best I can be. I owe everything I am because of you.

I am thankful for you always being my best friend. The person I can trust above anyone, the person who is always there, and the person who always supports me no matter what. I love you so much mom; thank you is an understatement.


Love always,
Your very grateful daughter

English major with a concentration in journalism
Pamela is currently in her senior year at Fairfield Univerity where she is majoring in management. In her free time she enjoys working out, spending time with friends and family and binge watching reality television. *guilty*.... Follow her on instagram! @pamelagrant