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Meet Steve Shiner ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

This week’s campus cutie has a sense of humor that will have you laughing out loud. Not only is he hilarious, Steve is sweet, smart and honestly an all around great guy. And don’t even get us started on that smile that will leave your heart in a puddle on the floor. Read on to learn more about why we’re swooning over this week’s cutie.   

Major: Mechanical Engineering 

Minor: Math

Hometown: Auburn, Mass

Relationship Status: Single

Fun Fact: Sticker Phobia


HC: What song best describes you?

SS: No Type by Rae Sremmurd


HC: What would you consider your anthem?

SS: Be My Lover by La Bouche


HC: How will you propose to your wife?

SS: Shoot her a text *both laugh* It’s too early to think about that stuff!


HC: Describe your perfect date.

SS: Bruins game then back to my place. If they win I’ll rap for her.


HC: What are some of your hobbies?

SS: Being active! Watching Netflix. They are two polar opposites, but whatever.


HC: What is your guilty pleasure on Netflix?

SS: It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.  


HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?

SS: No specific place, but I want to backpack through Europe for a month.



HC: What is something you have on your Fairfield bucket list?

SS: Jumping into the Long Island Sound


HC: Who’s the most important person in your life?

SS: My parents. My mom and dad, they’re my backbone.


HC: Are you going to any concerts this summer?

SS: AC/DC in August


HC: Favorite Disney Princess?

SS: Cinderella. Isn’t she the only one?


HC: Favorite social network? Why?

SS: Snapchat because you can still be really personal.


HC: Blonde, brunette, or red head?

SS: Hmm…

HC: No pressure *flips hair*

SS: No preference, but mostly brunette.


HC: What’s your go to stag meal?

SS: Spicy chicken bowl! I love the lady the pops out of nowhere! *laughs*


HC: You’re at Chipotle do you go for a bowl or burrito

SS: Burrito


HC: Favorite place to live?

SS: New England


HC: Favorite movie?

SS: Old School


HC: Celebrity crush?

SS: Mila Kunis

HC: LOVE her!


HC: Quirkiest trait?

SS: I love math *laughs*


HC: Is there anyone you’d like to make a shout out to?

SS: My friend Connor “Big Feenz” he’s abroad and I haven’t seen him in a couple of months

Amanda McKelvey is a Co-Campus Correspondent and a senior at Fairfield University. She is a Journalism major with minors in Psychology and Communications. In addition to being a CC she has held internships with Michael Kors, CollegeFashionista.com and the Rockville Centre and Baldwin Heralds. In her free time, Amanda enjoys days on the beaches of Long Island, watching Scandal, Chicago Fire and the Bachelorette, eating anything sweet (chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes—you name it!) and reading a good book. She’s excited to spend her senior year living at Fairfield Beach with her best friends including fellow CC Danielle Tullo! You can follow her on Twitter @theAMANDAshowww or on Instagram @ammckelvey.