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Wellness > Sex + Relationships


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

I sat down with HerCampus Fairfield’s Editor-in-Chief, Jackie Campbell.

We dove into the basics..

Jackie is a junior English and Public Relations major with a minor in Education. Originally she’s from Kansas City, MO, but moved to Westchester, NY when she was 16. She became a member of HC Fairfield first semester of freshman year and is also the President of the university’s Girl Up club. This Aries is always open to new experiences and new people and embodies “red-tailed hawk” energy into everything she does. 

Now that we know the basics, we can dive into why we’re really here. As the editor-in-chief of HC Fairfield, Jackie has a plethora of experience and expertise that would benefit our readers. I asked Jackie a few questions to get her thoughts on a few pressing relationship/situationship questions that everyone on campus seems to be wondering. 

Welcome to “Ask Jackie” 

Q: Okay, My guy best friend and I are hooking up, what does it lead to, what are the options?

Jackie: Depending on how long you’ve been hooking up, after maybe 2-3 times, probably ask the “where this is going” question. Because you value that friendship, you may want to clarify before someone becomes more invested than the other. At some point, you either start dating exclusively or return to being friends. Have the conversation, and pick a lane. Verdict: Friends with benefits does not work. 

In between questions, Jackie and I talked about our ideal types, we both agreed we love a guy with a good sense of humor. I love a good athlete with charm. Jackie loves a scruffy man (and Tom Hardy). This lead to our next question-

Q: What do you do if you’re emotionally attracted to someone and NOT physically attracted to them? 

Jackie: You cannot convince yourself that you are attracted to someone if you are not. They may even be conventionally attractive, but you might just not be attracted to them, which is okay. Do not settle! You can find someone that you find both emotionally and physically attractive. It’s also not fair to the other person to pretend you find them physically attractive if in reality, you do not, especially if they’re really into you. Verdict: Know your worth. 

Q: As a girl who is a people pleaser, how do you cut things off with the person you’re seeing?

Jackie: I hate to use a cliché, but “it’s not you it’s me” sometimes is the answer. Be honest, and rip the bandaid off. Clean cut and definitely, NO ghosting. Verdict: Honesty is the best policy!

Q: Is homie hopping really THAT bad?

Jackie: No, next question. Verdict: Hippity-Hop 

Q: How do you differentiate being in love with them vs loving the idea of them?

Jackie: Are you more aroused by the person when you’re apart or when you’re together? You should feel the same excitement when you’re with them in-person as when you’re thinking about them, what you could do together, what they’re like, etc.

Q: I feel that this conversation has been focused a lot around men, so as a woman, what makes you feel most powerful?

Jackie: Service and working for others. I love working with the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants through the Humanitarian Action program on campus. Women have so much power to better their communities every day. 


MK Kalenak

Fairfield '25

Hi! I'm MK Kalenak! I'm a sophomore Public Relations & Digital Journalism Major and Finance Minor at Fairfield U from PGH, PA <3