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Curology: Social Media Fad or Skincare ~Savior~?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Ladies, it’s time to address the newest fad of skincare that fills our Instagram feeds and is being reviewed by all our favorite YouTube and Insta influencers: Curology. Curology gives consumers a personalized prescription by taking a skin quiz. After seeing YouTube star Emma Chamberlain continuously rage about the effects of Curology, I had to put the Curology free trial to the test after first semester ~stress~ started showing up in breakouts on my face.  


My Curology journey started about 8 weeks ago when my normal skincare routine was clearly no longer working. Lured in by Insta influencers and Curology ads, I decided to take a chance on Curology and test out the free month-supply trial. After taking the simple quiz and submitting photos of my skin to Curology, my skincare package was on its way once a dermatologist prescribed me with my own specialized skin cream.  



The day that my Curology set arrived in the mailroom was an exciting day – a day that would mark the beginning of a new skincare journey. My Curology set contained the Curology Cleanser, my custom bottle, and the Curology Moisturizer. I started my Curology skin routine that very night – a simple three-step process: cleanser, custom cream, and then moisturizer.  


After about a week, my skin’s redness and irritation had gone down significantly. Three weeks into using Curology was when I noticed a large difference in my skin’s quality – many of my smaller breakouts had disappeared completely; however, some breakouts continued to pop up. While I have noticed a substantial change to my skin, my prescription has irritated my skin every once in a while, but this is fixable by applying moisturizer as needed. Now eight weeks into using Curology, I have ordered a new full set to replace my 30-Day Trial for $59.99.   



With Curology, I have learned that you cannot skip a day of taking care of your skin. Going out? Make sure your makeup comes off with your Curology Cleanser by the end of the night. Curology has been simple and satisfactory for me, but if you sacrifice a night of skincare for sleep, your skin will feel and show it.  


All I can say is, Curology is definitely worth the try – it’s more than just a bunch of ads on your Insta & Snap Stories! A free trial doesn’t hurt if it could be your skin ~savior~! HCXO! 


Olivia Mahoney

Fairfield '23

Olivia is from Massachusetts and a marketing and management major at Fairfield University. She is the Relationship & Dating Editor for Fairfield's Her Campus chapter and also participates as a Writer.
I am a Junior Marketing Major with a concentration in digital and social media marketing and a Finance minor at Fairfield University. I am a creative, driven, and hardworking individual who loves fashion and beauty.