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The Comfiest Slippers Of Them All: Fuzzy Babba

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

During the chilly months you want to keep every part of your body, including your toes, warm and cozy. Her Campus Fairfield has been in love with Fuzzy Babba and you’re about to be too. 

Fuzzy Babba has the cutest line of slipper socks, perfect to keep your toes warm and cozy this winter. Fuzzy Babba encourages the “ahhh” moments in life; you know the ones after a long day of class when you get back home finally, throw on a pair of sweats and just relax. These slippers will have you in an “ahhh” moment every time you put them on. We highly recommend everyone checks out Fuzzy Babba for comfort and happiness. 

Alexis DiZenzo is a motivated Connecticut native. She attends Fairfield University where she is majoring in digital journalism and minoring in marketing. She is currently co-campus corespondent of Fairfield's Her Campus chapter. Along with managing Her Campus Fairfield, Alexis has interned with The Secured Lender Magazine, and NBC Sports. She is a contributing writer for Elite Daily as well as Thought Catalog. In the early stages of her college career, Alexis has taken the initiative to reach far among the stars and achieve goals early on. She has a great sense of editing, writing, publishing, marketing and leadership as well as strong interpersonal skills. (And a fun-loving, outgoing personality!) Alexis' favorite book (and movie) is The Great Gatsby, she lives by the words of Carrie Bradshaw and you could definitely find her on a beach, soaking up the sun. Instagram @alexisdizenzo www.alexisfdizenzo.com