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Collegiette Closet Clean Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

With the holidays rapidly approaching, it is the perfect time to take a good look at what we have in our closets and decide whether or not to keep certain clothing items. If you’re a clothes hoarder like myself then you definitely can understand the stress of deciding what you should “keep” or “toss.” Of course, it’s hard to part ways with some of our favorite pieces of clothing, but remember these favorite pieces can be donated to people in need just in time for the holiday season.

With these simple steps, your closet will have room for your new holiday presents, and most importantly, you will be doing a thoughtful and generous deed during the “season of giving.” Read on about how you can get your closet under control!


Stained Clothes

The first thing in tackling your closet is to look for stained clothing. If it’s a permanent and stubborn stain, then ladies, unfortunately, it is not coming out. These stained items are ones that should either be donated (depending on how large the stain is) or thrown out.


Damaged Clothes

The next thing to look for is damaged clothing items. It’s time to ditch the silk blouse with a rip on the sleeve or the pair of jeans that are extremely frayed. Holding onto damaged clothing is just adding extra clutter in your closet…there is no need for it!


Wouldn’t Purchase It Again

We have all made questionable impulse purchases. When going through your closet, you have to ask yourself, “Would I buy this again?” If the answer is a “no” then it’s time to free your closet of these items. Consider donating them to a charity or asking some friends if they are interested in taking your old clothes.  


The Clothes Don’t Fit Anymore

If the clothes that you once wore don’t fit anymore, either they’re too big or too tight; it is time to get rid of them.  Trying to fit into tight clothes doesn’t promote healthy body image–instead of fill your closet with clothes that actually fit. Get rid of these ill fitting outfits so you can make room for pieces that fit you every time you open up your closet doors.


Bad Memories

We all have that shirt or that dress you wore when you broke up with your boyfriend. You may be holding onto these items because it reminds you of that certain event, but in actuality it is holding you back from getting past the sad or even traumatic incidents. It’s time to give away these clothes so that someone else can make happy memories in them.


Not Trendy Anymore

Wedge flip-flops, skinny jeans with huge rips, and neon printed leggings seemed like a good idea in the early years of high school but these once “trendy” pieces are unfortunately no longer practical. Pack these clothes up and make room for the season’s current trendy pieces. Or better yet, classic pieces! You’ll be surprised as to how many past season’s clothes that you will find hiding in your closet. 

I dream of eating waffles with Amy Poehler and climbing to the top of Corporate America specifically in the fashion industry. Amy P hasn't responded to my emails, so in the meantime, I'm your typical college student who is majoring in Accounting. I'm a self-proclaimed Diet Coke and Twitter addict and I will never go a day without them. I hate the gym so don't look for me there. Finally, follow me on Twitter @gabbyycapello or Instagram @gabbycapello!
Amanda McKelvey is a Co-Campus Correspondent and a senior at Fairfield University. She is a Journalism major with minors in Psychology and Communications. In addition to being a CC she has held internships with Michael Kors, CollegeFashionista.com and the Rockville Centre and Baldwin Heralds. In her free time, Amanda enjoys days on the beaches of Long Island, watching Scandal, Chicago Fire and the Bachelorette, eating anything sweet (chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes—you name it!) and reading a good book. She’s excited to spend her senior year living at Fairfield Beach with her best friends including fellow CC Danielle Tullo! You can follow her on Twitter @theAMANDAshowww or on Instagram @ammckelvey.