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Club in the Spotlight: Spoon University

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Meet the two foodies, Victoria Marano and David Buckley, who co-founded the Fairfield University (https://fairfield.spoonuniversity.com) Spoon chapter.

If you have ever seen Victoria Marano and David Buckley’s instagrams you might call them food obsessed. These two best friends started a Spoon University chapter right here at Fairfield to share their love for food and create a community with the student body. 

Her Campus: What are your roles in Spoon?

Victoria Marano: Cofounder & Editorial Director

David Buckley: Cofounder & Social Media Manager

HC: What is the premise of Spoon University?
DB: Spoon is like an online food database. It provides college students with a chance to learn, share, and talk about food as a community.

HC: How did you hear about Spoon University?
VM: Spoon NYU Instagram. I am really into food if you haven’t already seen my Instagram, and I like to go out to eat a lot. I saw it as an upcoming thing I wanted to bring to Fairfield.
DB: I thought it was kind of cool and unique and wanted to bring the club to our campus.

HC: What has the club done so far?
DB: We officially launched in November (yay!). We started our Instagram (spoon_fairfield) in September with 2 followers, and by December we reached over 1000 followers. We were the fastest growing insta in Spoon history.

HC: What are you doing to spread the word?
VM: On our Instagram page we post restaurants around the local area which gives them great press. We are both very social on campus and we always talk about it and we hand out free stickers!

HC: Goals for the semester?
VM: We want to have a really big launch party in the spring. We are trying to get local vendors to come together and give out free samples. We also want to become more popular on a national level to get our names out there
DB: We want people to be more excited about food, going out to eat, and exploring new foods. I come from a family that would always go out to eat at different places you normally wouldn’t eat at as a kid- Egyptian, Vietnamese, so I want people to get inspired to try foods they never would have before.

HC: What are your most popular Instagram posts on Spoon?
VM: Donuts, homemade desserts, anything oozing with chocolate
DB: Anything that is really bad for you. Salads? Definitely not.

HC: How do you achieve the perfect food insta?
DB: Honestly, it’s the luck of the draw. But make sure you have perfect lighting, a clean white background, and good angle
VM: It’s all about the hashtag and tags. Sometimes it’s hard being insta famous *laughs

HC: Favorite food:
DB: Sushi.
VM: Sushi. I am a spicy tuna roll. It’s my spirit food.

If you are interested in applying for a position, check out Victoria and David’s Facebook page, or click the link in the bio of the Spoon Fairfield Instagram page to apply. Applications are due February 1. Follow Spoon Fairfield, Victoria Marano, and David Buckley on Instagram for drool worthy food pics. 

Pamela is currently in her senior year at Fairfield Univerity where she is majoring in management. In her free time she enjoys working out, spending time with friends and family and binge watching reality television. *guilty*.... Follow her on instagram! @pamelagrant