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Campus Cuties: Nick Arduino and Jack Packhem

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

You’ve waited all summer collegiettes, so this year’s first Campus Cutie will feature a 2-for-1 roomie special!  Living together and being best friends, this duo will make you fall head over heels with their witty jokes and great personalities.  Meet Fairfield’s finest sophomores, Nick and Jack.

Name: Nick ArduinoGrade: SophomoreHometown: Sleepy Hollow, NYMajor: FinanceRelationship Status: Single

Name: Jack PackhemGrade: SophomoreHometown: Cumberland, RIMajor: FinanceRelationship Status: Single

HC: So welcome back to campus!  Tell us your favorite thing about Fairfield?Nick Arduino: I would have to say the view at Bellarmine.Jack Packhem: I like how it’s small and you know basically everyone.

HC: What are you involved in on campus?JP: Finance Club, Accounting Club, She’s the First, Italian Club, and Fitness ClubNA: *laughs* Same, we do a lot together.

HC: Why you guys are good roommates?NA: We’re compatible and live well together .JP: Yeah, we just get along really well.

HC: Tell us something that not a lot of people know about you.NA: I’m a mild germophobe.JP: I’m outdoorsy.

HC: What’s your favorite movie quote?NA: “I’m gonna punch you in the ovary. That’s what I’m gonna do. A straight shot, right to the babymaker” –Ron Burgundy (Anchorman)JP: “My name is Daniel Lugo and I believe in fitness” – Daniel Lugo (Pain and Gain). Wait, no I have a different one.  “I am a peacock! You gotta let me fly!”- Terry Hoitz (The Other Guys). *Clearly, an avid Mark Wahlberg fan*

HC: What’s your biggest fear?NA: Heights, spiders, and slugs.JP: Snakes, especially pythons & boa constrictors, and wrinkled clothes. 

HC: What’s your number one to-do on your bucket list?NA: *laughs* Jennifer Aniston.JP: Skydiving.

HC: Take out your phones and tell me your most frequently used emoji.NA: The eggplant and the hammer.JP: The apple and the bee.

HC: And your last song played on iTunes?NA: Closing Time by Semisonic.JP: My Way Remix by Fetty Wap ft. Drake.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?NA: Married to a middle school history teacher with a Golden Retriever, 2 kids, and twins on the way.JP: Married to a nurse and living in Boston with our German Shepard.

HC: What is (honestly) the first thing you notice about a girl?NA: Her curves.JP: Facial features.

HC: Hit me with your best pick up line.NA: Hey baby, on a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?JP: Do you live in a corn field because I’m stalking you.

HC: Last thing…describe your ideal first date.NA: I would want to take my chick to one of those corner coffee places in Seattle and then conquer my fear of heights and go up on the Space Needle with her.JP: Netflix and chill… JK, a Red Sox game.

Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.