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Campus Celebrity: Giana Postiglione

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

There is a new club on campus called FEED The World Fairfield, and this week I had the opportunity to sit down with the Founder and President Giana Postiglione. After you read what it’s about and the upcoming events you will want to join!! 

Major/Minor: International Business/Management (double major); Spanish Language and Culture (minor)Year: Senior

HC: What is FEED? And how exactly does it work? 

GP: FEEDprojects is a fashion company based out of NYC that focuses fighting global hunger. For every product FEED sells (bags, shirts, accessories), a certain number of children around the world are provided with meals in school for a whole year. Lauren Bush, the founder of FEEDprojects started the company with the simple idea of creating products that would engage people in the fight against hunger in a tangible way. She thought that “school feedings” would be the most effective way to not only end world hunger, but world poverty as well. The school feedings make children want to go to school, and make their parents want to send them daily.

Although FEEDprojects is a for-profit company, they have a non-profit sector called The FEED Foundation. This is where the magic happens. People from all over the world can donate to and fundraise for The FEED Foundation in their efforts to fight global hunger. The money goes immediately to the aid workers on the ground in suffering countries as well as in the United States to assist in delivering meals to schools globally. This is where FEED The World Fairfield University will send all of the donations we receive in the Fairfield community through our on and off campus events and fundraisers throughout the academic year.

HC: What made you want to bring it to Fairfield?

GP: After talking to a friend this past summer, I was introduced to FEEDprojects and The FEED Foundation and IMMEDIATELY became interested. I think that the mission is incredible and I want to get involved in every way I possibly can. Fairfield University has played a major role in my progress and achievements allowing me to see exactly where I belong in the world. This made me want to share this organization with the students of Fairfield University. I want my classmates, my teachers, my colleagues, my teammates, roommates and friends to hear and learn as much as possible about this company and this foundation and want to contribute their time, energy and donations to it. 

The whole idea is to allow one giving community to come together and help dozens of suffering communities around the world. What other community in the world is more willing to help than the Fairfield community? Our Jesuit background encourages us to give our time and efforts towards causes like this!

HC: Favorite part about the club?

GP: Even though we obviously have a President and Vice President (Brittany Avila ’16), we are all equal in the FEED Team. Everyone has a say and everyone has an opportunity to host a fundraiser of their choice and to be an event planner for all events. As a team, we work together and share ideas openly; that is my favorite part about this club!

HC: Is there something you want the student body to know about FEED and what we are doing with it here at Fairfield?

GP: I would LOVE for everyone to go to http://www.FEEDprojects.com and see for themselves what FEED is all about. Read the About Us page, about The FEED Foundation and look at the products FEED sells, then buy something! Also, if ANYONE (student, faculty or staff member) wants to become more involved and join our FEED Team here on campus, just email: feedtheworldfairfieldu@gmail.com .We are always looking for new members and always open to suggestions for fundraisers and opportunities to be present at giving events on and off campus.

HC: Do you have any goals for FEED The World Fairfield?

GP: By the end of the semester, I hope to raise enough money in order to cut The FEED Foundation a fat check by December 15th. I want to raise enough awareness on campus that FEED bags begin to become a “thing”.

I hope this year is only the beginning of Fairfield’s affiliation with FEEDprojects. I plan for this campus organization to live on after my graduation in May and for the Fairfield University community to become aware of global hunger and to want to fight for it.

HC: Tell me about some of the upcoming events

GP: On Wednesday, October 21st and Thursday, October 22nd we will be hosting our first on campus event called “FEED The TATAs” in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The event will consist of dorm storms and tables set up around campus offering information about global hunger and giving out “pink” prizes for every donation made!

Following the Breast Cancer event, we will be setting up a table outside of the Glee Concert on Sunday, October 25th filled with 16 dozen cupcakes donated by Dimare Pastry Shop in Stamford, CT. The FEED Team will be raising awareness for global hunger and introducing the audience to The FEED Foundation while giving out cupcakes and encouraging donations.

In November, we will host a panel discussion called “FEED For Thought” between Dr. Scott Lacy of the Anthropology Department and Dr. Terry-Ann Jones from the International Studies Department about global hunger – the causes and effects, what hunger looks like in different countries, the efforts that go into fighting it and more! This will also count as a FYE Inspire credit! We also plan to host a food drive around Thanksgiving!

Our future plans for the year consist of an on-campus Wing Bowl to conclude football season, a March Madness bracket, a silent student action around Easter, a Walk For Hunger and much more!

Make sure to follow them on Instagram for more updates: @feedtheworldfairfieldu


Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.