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Campus Celebrities: Devan DeLaus ’17 and Shannon Flynn ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Devan and Shannon, two intelligent juniors who balance the craziness of college with a demanding internship. Get to know these two fun roommates.

Devan DeLaus

Hometown: Honeoye Falls, NY

Vineyard Vines Internship Position: HR Generalist Intern

Shannon Flynn

Hometown: South Borrough, MA

Vineyard Vines Internship Position: Children’s Merchandising Intern

How did you land your internship with Vineyard Vines?

Devan DeLaus: I initially applied to the Vineyard Vines summer internship program but found out they only accept 1 HR intern. Their newest recruiter Bailey (A 2015 Fairfield grad) reached out to me and recommended me to apply for the fall position and here I am.

Shannon Flynn: I applied to the summer program as well and didn’t get it, so when Devan was telling me about how they wanted to hire more merchandising interns, I was very excited. Devan put me in contact with Bailey and the rest of the VV team and I ended up getting the position.

What is it like working for Vineyard Vines? (Atmosphere/Coworkers)  

Both: As corny as it sounds, everyone actually lives by “Everyday Should Feel This Good.” Everyone is positive and works hard but also always having fun. No one will ever let you walk by without a hello or how are you. Our coworkers are always willing to go above and beyond for each other and even on our first day we already felt like we were part of the family.

Being roommates, what is your morning routine before leaving work?

DD: We wake up, get ready and drive to pick up our friend Victoria. We usually hit Dunkin on the way but that’s a no brainer.

SF: We alternate driving each week just to split up the hour and half ride, which without traffic is actually only a 30-minute drive from school.  

What is your go-to outfit for work?

DD: Jeans, Sperry’s and a top. We try to incorporate Vineyard Vines attire as much as possible.

SF: Everyone at work dresses snappy casual, so I usually wear jeans, flats and a cute top.

Have you met anyone famous/interesting while being in the office?

Both: We only work 2 days a week so sometimes we miss out on some of the office visitors. We do see the founders Shep and Ian everyday though. They are always walking around talking with everyone and attending meetings. Shep sometimes brings his dog, Red, who is very loved in the office. We also got to see the KJP crew who stopped in one afternoon.

What was a funny memory from your experience at Vineyard Vines?

DD: Anything that happens during the car rides there and back, enough said. Laughs

SF: Also, when we get lunch with all the other interns, we share stories about how badly we messed up a project or did something dumb, it always keeps us laughing.

What are the other interns like?

Both: So sweet! Everyone has the same mentality and interests so we all get along really well. We are all from Fairfield with one exception, and the oldest is a senior, Lauren, who also works in the HR office. We all get along really well.

Do you receive any VV perks by working there?

DD: We can’t reveal a lot but we do get to work in a building that is located right on the marina so every day is a gorgeous one. The office is decked out in everything you would imagine a VV office would look like. Lots of pink, stripes and whales everywhere.

SF: Another plus is we get free snacks and drinks, at any time we want throughout the day.

What is something you learned about yourself while working at Vineyard Vines?

DD: That I could see myself actually going into HR, so I pretty much solidified my carrier choice.

SF: I discovered I wanted to stay within the fashion industry.

What were some challenges you faced while working at Vineyard Vines?

DD: Having to deal with deadlines and only being there 2 days a week. It’s very hard to manage it all when I’m not physically in the office everyday.

SF: Time management because I’m still taking 5 classes plus my internship. Sometimes it gets to be challenging.

Do you feel like Fairfield prepared you for your internship?

Both: Yes and no. There are things classes can prepare you for and some things outside its realm that you just can’t prepare for.

What is a piece of advice you have for freshmen and sophomores?

DD: Start sophomore year. The sooner you figure out your interests the better.

SF: Apply early and actually look into what you might want to do in the future. Pick an internship you would actually love to wake up for at 6 a.m.! I know that I did. 

Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.