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ABC’s of Fairfield University

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Around the World
(A perfect excuse to dress up as your designated country and take instagram pictures)

Beach Houses
(But if you haven’t already started looking for one, you’re probably too late)

Clam Jam
(You can still find videos on YouTube of how insane it used to be)

Dolan School of Business 
(15 minutes from everywhere)

(It’s normal that the line wraps around the top of the Mezz, don’t worry)

(Where you are forced to play games with strangers and attend events you would never think to go)

(Our one and only bar that we all share a love/hate relationship with)

Her Campus Fairfield
(That’s a given)

Instagram Worthy Sunsets
(The sky is always lit)

Jesuit Priests
(AKA Fairfield favorite Father Doody and if you don’t know him he has probably sat with you at lunch)

Kelly Center
(Where many of us started our Fairfield U journey)

Lantern Point Days
(Our Saturdays are always on point)

Midnight Breakfast
(When food fights and dancing on tables while singing Christmas carols is totally normal)

(The only school with their own uniform)

Orange Tickets
(Parking is only a privilege for upperclassman but we’ve all tried to unsuccessfully sneak our car on campus anyway)

Powder Puff
(Yup, that was us on Barstool)

(In the spring, the decision will be to hangout on the quad or go to class)

Rafferty Stadium
(Because watching cute lacrosse guys is even better in a brand new stadium) 

Stag Bus
(Get ready for a 3-minute trip that will actually take an hour because of all the stops)

Turkey Attacks
(Keep your head down and don’t make eye contact, they show no mercy)

(The only way underclassmen get around, sorry, yellow taxis!)

Von Ark
(Once a year he decides to get a DJ and throw down)

Winter Weather
(When we all wait for the “class is canceled” email just to go out and walk to the townhouses mid snowstorm anyway)

Xavier Hall
(And other unknown buildings which comes with sharing a campus with Fairfield Prep School)

Yellow Speed bums
(Just kidding, they blend right in and you will definitely feel it)

Zero Dining Dollars
(Don’t kid yourself; those were gone after the first week in September) 

Pamela is currently in her senior year at Fairfield Univerity where she is majoring in management. In her free time she enjoys working out, spending time with friends and family and binge watching reality television. *guilty*.... Follow her on instagram! @pamelagrant