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A Guide to the Perfect Valentine’s Day (and Galentines Day)  

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

It’s that time of the year again, ladies: hearts, chocolate, pink, and red, and spreading the love with your S.O. and girlfriends! I have the perfect guide for your Valentine’s Day, whether it be sentimental and romantic, or fun day with the girls!

Make a Valentine’s Day Playlist

One of my favorite things to do is wake up and play my Valentine’s Day playlist throughout the day. I try to update it every year with new music released, but here you can find all of my favorite love songs that feel extra special to me on the lovely holiday. 

Dress for the Occasion

I’m not saying douse yourself in pink and red hearts to the point where everyone can tell it’s February 14th (if that’s your style, go for it, girl), but wear something that looks FAB on you. Therefore, if pink and red aren’t your favorite colors, wear something that compliments you and can really turn some heads on the day of love. 

Spend Time with Your S.O.

Today is the one acceptable day a year you can do everything under the umbrella of being dramatically romantic with your S.O., so take advantage of it! Get each other gifts, go out for lunch or dinner, and do something sentimental on this special day. With this in mind, even though this is the typical routine for Valentine’s Day, don’t hesitate to break away from the teddy bears and chocolates this year. If the whole Valentine’s Day groove isn’t your thing, don’t sweat it: do whatever it is that you and your S.O. can both enjoy. 

Galentine’s Day Soirée 

However you want to look at Valentine’s Day (with a valentine or not) there’s always Galentine’s Day! A fun day with the girls to spread the love, and suffer being single, together. Although there will always be a part of me that’s bummed about not having a valentine, spending time with my best girlfriends always cheers me up. Going out to dinner or having a girl’s night in is a fun way to celebrate together. 

Movie Night

Rom-Com or die hard romantic movie? The choice is up to you, but personally, I have my heart set on watching Titanic with the beautiful Leonardo DiCaprio this Valentine’s Day, though we’ll see if I can make it through the three hour movie without wanting to break into Crazy, Stupid, Love.

My Top 5 Valentine’s Day Movie Picks are:

  1. Titanic
  2. Valentine’s Day
  3. The Notebook
  4. The Fault in Our Stars
  5. Crazy, Stupid, Love

Make it a Day About Love

Regardless of your plans for Valentine’s Day, make this a day about sharing your love with your close friends and family, but also with those you don’t know. Give compliments, smile at the person sitting next to you in class, and celebrate all the love! 

Have a good Valentine’s Day my Her Campus hotties,

XO Catherine

Catherine Murray

Fairfield '26

Catherine is a freshman writer from Westchester, NY and studies Management and Music at Fairfield University. When Catherine is not writing, you can find her at a concert, surfing, or shopping on Greenwich Avenue!