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8 Things That Happen When Your BFF Visits Your College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

It has been a few long weeks apart from your hometown BFF and the time has finally arrived for her to visit your school. She gets to explore your new home, see your living situation, and finally meet all the new friends you have made. Here’s what happens when your best friend from home visits your college.

All of your new friends become her new friends.

There’s nothing better than when your entire group of friends just click.

You introduce her to that cute guy down the hall that you’ve had your eye on, and of course, she approves!

You wouldn’t trust anyone else’s judgment over hers.

Luckily, she meets his roommate.

Works out well since you’ve been dying to go on double dates since high school.

You spend time lying in bed, gossiping about people from back home.

Can you believe Jill and Jake broke up?! They were supposed to be together forever.

You reminisce about the good ol’ high school days and all of the inside jokes you have.

There is no one else who knows about that time you faceplanted and that guy walked by.

You take tons of pictures, and Instagram them with the caption “reunited and it feels so good.”

Everyone wants to know the dynamic duo is back together for the weekend, obviously. 

You take her out to the best restaurants in town and have date nights to make up for all the ones you’ve missed out on.

She’s the best dinner date out there by far.

You take her to all of the parties and show her that not much has changed since the high school days

#stillgotit #glorydays

And finally, when it’s time to say goodbye, you both shed a few tears because you and your BFF are separated once again. The countdown to when you will be #backatit begins.

Alexis DiZenzo is a motivated Connecticut native. She attends Fairfield University where she is majoring in digital journalism and minoring in marketing. She is currently co-campus corespondent of Fairfield's Her Campus chapter. Along with managing Her Campus Fairfield, Alexis has interned with The Secured Lender Magazine, and NBC Sports. She is a contributing writer for Elite Daily as well as Thought Catalog. In the early stages of her college career, Alexis has taken the initiative to reach far among the stars and achieve goals early on. She has a great sense of editing, writing, publishing, marketing and leadership as well as strong interpersonal skills. (And a fun-loving, outgoing personality!) Alexis' favorite book (and movie) is The Great Gatsby, she lives by the words of Carrie Bradshaw and you could definitely find her on a beach, soaking up the sun. Instagram @alexisdizenzo www.alexisfdizenzo.com
Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.