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7 Things We Missed About Fairfield Over the Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Summer was a blast, but let’s face it college can be so much better! They don’t call it the best four years of your life for no reason! Between the beautiful scenery and tons of activities to partake in, it’s no wonder why we missed this place so much. Now that the semester has finally started, it is time to be reunited with our favorite Fairfield things.

Living with Your Best Friends 

The best part about being back is living with all of your best friends. Between the late night talks, inside jokes, and snacking at 2am it is no wonder we missed our roommates so much. Oh, sweet dorm. 

Einstein’sThe only way to get through that 8am class is with the help of an Einstein’s large iced coffee in hand. Also, nothing beats being served your morning coffee and bagel from the friendliest workers out there. Now only if it was opened on Sundays. 

Fairfield Beach Sunsets

Fairfield Beach is known for absolutely stunning sunsets. On any given night be prepared for your Instagram feed to be filled with the cotton candy colored skies. #NoFilterNeeded. 

The LeveeTheir mozzarella sticks, buffalo chicken turnovers, and baked ziti, need we say more? We definitely missed these late night indulagances delivered right to our door over the summer. Calories don’t count on sunday’s, right?!

Extracurricular ActivatesFairfield offers a wide variety of clubs and sports and there is something for everybody. The best decision one can make while being at Fairfield is getting involved in something you are passionate about. Once you find an activity that is perfect for you, it is hard to be away from it for too long. It gives you a whole new meaning of passion.


It is safe to say every collegiette has a place in their heart for pizza, and Pronto Pizza has stolen ours. From the buffalo chicken to ProntoLoco there is not a shortage of pizza options. If you’re not in the mood for pizza they have a ton of delicious salads to choose from (the Southwestern salad is a life-changer). Now, that we are back, you know where I’ll be at dinnertime. 

Point Days Is there anything better than spending your Saturdays partying at the point with your best friends? No. That’s just one of the many reasons we love Fairfield and are happy to be back. 

English major with a concentration in journalism
Pamela is currently in her senior year at Fairfield Univerity where she is majoring in management. In her free time she enjoys working out, spending time with friends and family and binge watching reality television. *guilty*.... Follow her on instagram! @pamelagrant