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6 Struggles of Forgetting Your Morning Coffee: As Told by Michael Scott

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Forgetting your morning coffee before class is one of the worst ways to start your day, at least for the coffee addicts (like me) out there.  Whether you just run out of time to brew a pot or can’t wait in that long line at Einstein’s or Starbucks, you’re going to regret it all day.  These days are long and quite the struggle…

  1. Debating whether it’s worth it to turn back and be late to class.

You realize this is impractical and dramatic and continue on to your class… once you arrive you realize it TOTALLY would have been worth it to turn back.

2. You self consciously reach for your cup in class, only to realize it’s not there.

Wait where’s my coffee? Oh that’s right…there goes my morning happiness.  

3. The clock goes by slower than usual.

You realize you might not make it through this class alive without coffee because only two minutes have passed since you last looked at the clock.

4. You struggle to stay awake.

What happened to all of my energy? Why can’t I keep my eyes open?!

5. You have no clue what’s going on in class… and struggle to figure out what is due next class too.

Wait what just happened? I really don’t understand.

6. Class is over! …But where’s my coffee?

Let me just crawl back to my room and get back in bed now because there is no energy to even make or go out to get coffee at this point.

Overall, a morning without coffee can be summed up by this facial expression:



Victoria Gracie

Fairfield '18

Victoria is a graduate from Fairfield University with a degree in International Business and Marketing. She's from Long Island and has an intense love for New York City. She hopes to travel the world and always lives life with a positive attitude. A few of her obsessions include pizza, dogs, coffee, and fashion. Follow her on Instagram: @vgraciee
Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.