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6 Dorm Accessories You Wouldn’t Think You Need

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

It’s that time of year again – back to school, and with that comes shopping. Packing for college can be overwhelming as there is so much to bring! It is easy to oversee some important necessities Below are 6 must haves for your dorm room that you #probably forgot to pack. 

1.     Power stripWho ever designed dorms and decided to put a wall socket behind your bed is beyond me. You’re most likely not going to have easy access to an outlet, so power strips and extension cords are a great way to get around that problem. 


2.   Over the counter medicationsAlthough it is extremely easy to catch a cold at school, it is not as easy to get medicine. Keeping cold and flu medication in your room is an essential.


3.     A reusable water bottleYou would be surprised with how fast you go through water while at school. Instead of lugging a 24 case of water back to your room and spending $7 each time, invest in a resuable water bottle!

4. Full length mirrorThis is perfect for when you’re getting ready for a night out and need to check out your outfit. Trust me, your girlfriends will be fighting over this.   


5.     Command strips / HooksSeriously, buy these in bulk. These come in handy whenever you want to hang something up, whether it’s a poster or a set of string lights. 


6.     A pair of over the ear headphonesSometimes you just want to watch Netflix in peace, or, you know, study. With a good pair that cancels noise out, you’re golden. 

Aileen is a senior communication major and marketing minor who resides in Westchester, NY. She is a Executive Features Editor at Her Campus Fairfield and loves online shopping, snuggling with her dog, and working out. the Follow her on Instagram @aklindy!
Pamela is currently in her senior year at Fairfield Univerity where she is majoring in management. In her free time she enjoys working out, spending time with friends and family and binge watching reality television. *guilty*.... Follow her on instagram! @pamelagrant