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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

5 Podcasts all Collegiette’s Should Be Listening To

By Erica Salisbury


Collegiettes, podcasts have made a huge comeback and we couldn’t be more excited! There are so many different genres available, it’s almost too hard to choose which are worth your time to listen to. Here are 5 podcasts that every college girl should be listening to.


  1. Ted Talks Daily is a great podcast to add to your library because every weekday, they upload an episode where they talk about basically anything you could ever imagine. If you ever enjoyed watching those Ted Talks your teachers would share in high school or even college, then this podcast is definitely for you.


  1. Gals on the Go is one of our #favs. It is hosted by Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio, two college students who are influencers and YouTubers. They talk about topics such as entertainment, tips and tricks to being productive and ambitious, and share their own personal adventures all while being full time students. After listening, it will definitely feel like you can do anything you want when it comes to achieving your goals and being a total #girlboss.



  1. Pretty Basic is also another one of our top choices to listen to. Also created by two YouTube sensations and influencers, Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz are best friends who share insight on personal experiences and stories to help girls as they go through adolescence and college life. From stories of heartbreak to sharing the truth about YouTube, the pair always seems to make it feel like you’re listening to someone you know. There are a bunch of open conversations, and overall it makes you feel good after listening to their weekly ramble.



  1. The Happy Times podcast is a great podcast to listen to if you’re having one of those days. Hosted by Joey Kidney, he talks about life experiences, issues with anxiety and depression, and what he likes to call, “the road to the happy times.” Each weekly episode is a great way to escape whatever is going on in your mind and helps you to focus on what you truly want out of your life.



  1. The Science of Happiness podcast is great to listen to as we transition from teenage years into adulthood ~scary stuff I know~. The Science of Happiness discusses research-tested strategies for a happier life and focuses mainly on the science of mindfulness and compassion towards those around you. It’s a great listen if you ever find yourself doubting your abilities or anything that has you down in your life.



Enjoy these ~fabulous~ podcasts Collegiettes!


Erica Salisbury

Fairfield '22

Erica is a Senior at Fairfield University majoring in Accounting with a minor in Digital Journalism. She has always loved fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, and is so excited to be a part of Her Campus again at Fairfield! She cannot wait to see all the things in store for her during her last year at Fairfield, especially with being involved in Her Campus.
Alexis DiZenzo is a motivated Connecticut native. She attends Fairfield University where she is majoring in digital journalism and minoring in marketing. She is currently co-campus corespondent of Fairfield's Her Campus chapter. Along with managing Her Campus Fairfield, Alexis has interned with The Secured Lender Magazine, and NBC Sports. She is a contributing writer for Elite Daily as well as Thought Catalog. In the early stages of her college career, Alexis has taken the initiative to reach far among the stars and achieve goals early on. She has a great sense of editing, writing, publishing, marketing and leadership as well as strong interpersonal skills. (And a fun-loving, outgoing personality!) Alexis' favorite book (and movie) is The Great Gatsby, she lives by the words of Carrie Bradshaw and you could definitely find her on a beach, soaking up the sun. Instagram @alexisdizenzo www.alexisfdizenzo.com