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3 Ways to Make Your Day Feel More Productive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Feeling like your days are going by and you’re not achieving any of the goals you had in mind? Here are 3 ways to make your days feel more productive.


It’s not always easy but waking up and kicking off your day early can make a huge difference in your productivity. Tackling all the nagging items on your to do list early on can make your day flow much nicer. Getting a head start on the day also gives you extra time to get all the things you need to get done.


When having a lot of tasks at hand, it’s easy to try to multitask in an effort to try to complete all the things you have to get done at once. This approach can be overwhelming and actually hinder your productivity. In an effort to tackle the things you need to get done, try dialing in and focusing on one task at a time. When taking this approach, you are much more likely to complete what you have to get done and be more effective.


Put away your phone and turn off your desktop notifications. When you are not constantly checking your devices and being interrupted by notifications, you will have a steadier workflow. This will help you stay focused and help you effectively work better throughout the day.

Try implementing these three tips into your daily routine when you feel like you aren’t getting anything done. These tips will give you that extra boost to be your most productive self, especially as finals are quickly approaching us all! 

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Emma Callow

Fairfield '25

Hi! My name is Emma Callow and I am a communication major with minors in marketing and graphic design. I am from Long Island, New York. In my free time I love to shop and spend time at the beach.