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24 Signs You’re A Stag

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.
  1. You have Christmas in April — it’s called Clam Jam.
  2. You understand what someone means when they say they are going to G-Spot, The Shocker, Banana Hammock, Blue Balls or Pure Luck.
  3. You’ve been denied by the “Barone Bouncers” after exceeding your dining swipes for the week.
  4. When you get mail, you can’t resist mimicking the “Stag Card, please” lady.
  5. You feel territorial when you spot a Sacred Heart girl on our side of town.
  6. You’ve pretended to be busy on your phone in order to avoid someone you don’t want to talk to in Pleasure Beach.
  7. You’ve drunkenly passed out and missed The Levee’s call.
  8. You and your friends have ridden the Stag statue together.
  9. You’ve turned a bagel into charcoal at Barone.
  10. Any white Ford Explorer freaks you out because you automatically assume it’s Public Safety.
  11. You’ve had a class with two boys in it.
  12. You don’t rock Molly; you rock Monograms.
  13. You don’t understand how anyone can gain the Freshman 15 at Barone.
  14. You’ve out-run a turkey on your way to class.
  15. Your workouts are motivated at the thought of opening the Bannow door.
  16. Dubra has done you dirty.  
  17. You’ve fought over a Taxi in the circle.
  18. You cherish your Lilly planner.
  19. You whip out your Sperry’s as soon as it hits 50 degrees (even if it’s February…)
  20. Your biggest fear is hearing a knock on your door and seeing a red polo through the peephole.
  21. You treat walking to the townhouses from the Quad and the Village as if it’s climbing Mount Everest in heels.
  22. You and your friends travel to Barone like a wolfpack (never alone).
  23. We don’t throw up Greek letters; we throw up Stag swag.
  24. Even with its flaws, you love Stag Nation and everything about being a Fairfield University student.  
Danielle was previously the Deputy Editor at Her Campus, where she oversaw social and content strategy, lifestyle, beauty, fashion, news, and entertainment. Prior to joining Her Campus, Danielle worked at House Beautiful as Senior Lifestyle Editor, directing and producing feature videos and stories. Danielle also served as Snapchat Editor at Cosmopolitan, overseeing the brands daily Snapchat Discover channel. In 2016, she launched Cosmo Bites — which is now the official food and beverage vertical at Cosmopolitan. That same year, Danielle was named as a Rising Star in the digital media industry by FOLIO Magazine. Danielle got her start in digital media by launching the Her Campus chapter at Fairfield University in 2014, where she acted as Campus Correspondent for 2.5 years, before graduating with a degree in English and creative writing. She enjoys wine, food, and long walks through HomeGoods. Follow Danielle on Instagram!