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16 Things We Say When It’s 40 Degrees In April

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Unfortunately, winter did not get the memo that their time to make an appearance has expired! Collegiettes across New England are now forced to deal with the consequences of the unusual weather conditions, which is throwing us all for a loop. Bringing out the parka in the middle of April, not okay. Can we just boycott winter maybe then it will go away until Christmas? Here are the 16 things all collegiettes say when it’s 40 degrees in April.

1. “I have no clothes…I brought all my winter clothes home during spring break!”

2. “Why didn’t I go to school in Florida?”

3. “I’m transferring, I cannot deal with this cold.”

4. “At this point, I will just settle for 50 degree weather.”

5. “It is too cold for class! It is too cold to do anything. Netflix all day it is!”

6. “Sarah is tanning on the beach right now on her Snapchat story since she goes to Tampa…can I be you? #jealous.”

7. “What happened to global warming or is this the result of global warming? So many questions.”

8. “It may be 40 degrees, but I am still getting my iced coffee, obviously. Iced Coffee> anything else”

9. “70 degrees last week, 40 degrees this week, and 65 next week. @NewEnglandWeather, get it together”.

10. “I forget, what does warmth feel like again?”

11. “Lets just book a last minute trip to Aruba, late spring break anyone? But seriously it is probably like 90 degrees there.”

12. “Remember when April meant sundresses and flip flops not sweaters and snow boots? Same.”

13. “I need to tweet about these harsh weather conditions, the world needs to know. #WinterInApril #MovingToFlorida #Can’tEven

14. “It is times like these where I really question my decision-making. AKA again, why did I decided to go to school in New England”

15. “Where is my hot boyfriend to lend me his sweatshirt during these rough time? Oh right, he doesn’t exist.”

16. Almost 70 degrees this weekend? Okay, fine I’ll deal.







English major with a concentration in journalism
Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.