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12 Things Every Collegiette Wants In A Care Package

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

One of the best feelings as a college student is getting the email that you’ve received a package—especially when you’re not expecting it! Here are some things that every collegiette loves to receive in a care package:

1. Baked Goods

2. Gift Cards 

It’s great to be surprised with gift cards, mainly because we’re broke college students. Gift cards mean you get to treat yourself! My personal favorite are Dunkin Donuts gift cards, and I’m sure my fellow coffee addicts can agree.

3. New Makeup

Getting new makeup is always a nice surprise, especially when you don’t pick it out.  There’s nothing like opening a fresh tube of mascara!

4. New Clothes or Shoes

Getting new clothes to wear to class or out with your friends and not having to buy them yourself is fabulous. You’re roomies benefit too because you know they’re going to borrow.

5. Holiday Goodies

There’s nothing like receiving a package filled with goodies for the upcoming holiday. It’s the perfect way to make your dorm room, house, or apartment feel festive. 

6. Toiletries 

Yes, toiletries are boring, but collegiettes will appreciate them. It’s a relief not having to take the stag bus into town just to get a new bottle of shampoo or toothpaste.

7. Snacks

Some snacks to ease the pain from Barone meals will make any student at Fairfield University happy.

8. Microwaveable Meals

Along with snacks, microwaveable meals will get us away from the dining hall for a day. They might not be the healthiest options, but most collegiettes love them for a quick eat before class.

9. Candy

Again, not the healthiest option, but it sometimes we need a little sugar. Our reward for all of that studying, right?

10.  Room décor

Cute room décor is a nice gift to send in a care package to spice up any room. You can never have enough decorations.

11. Travel mug

A new tumbler to put your coffee or tea in for class is an adorable (and eco-friendly) idea for a care package, especially if it’s monogrammed.


Although most won’t admit it, collegiettes would love to get money in a care package. Most of us are running low on dough and it’s nice to have a little extra spending money to go out to dinner with friends or go shopping without breaking your bank account.

Victoria Gracie

Fairfield '18

Victoria is a graduate from Fairfield University with a degree in International Business and Marketing. She's from Long Island and has an intense love for New York City. She hopes to travel the world and always lives life with a positive attitude. A few of her obsessions include pizza, dogs, coffee, and fashion. Follow her on Instagram: @vgraciee
Gabriella is currently a junior at Fairfield University, where she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Fairfield with her roomie/best friend Pamela Grant! Gab can most likely be found with a Venti Starbs in hand, while wearing obnoxiously large sunnies (no shame), reading the most recent issue of Glamour Mag.