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11 Reasons to Study Abroad if You Are On The Fence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

You have the opportunity to study abroad but you’re just not sure if you’re ready to make the commitment. Yeah, it is scary and a bit nerve-wrecking to live in a completely different country for months on end. But, there are so many things you can gain by taking that leap of faith that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Take a step back and see why it is all worth it.

1. Adventures

Adventures upon adventures upon adventures. You will get to be your own explorer through the cobblestone streets of Florence or along the Seine in Paris or even overlooking the cliffs in Ireland. This is your chance to find those hidden wonders of the world everyone wishes to see in their lifetime.

2. Finding love

Anything is possible ladies! There may just be a hunky foreigner that will sweep you off your feet. If that doesn’t happen, you’ll find love in the places you visit and will leave your mark on the world.

3. Languages

You have the opportunity to learn a whole new language or become fluent in a language you have been studying for quiet some time back at Fairfield. You can put that knowledge to action and interact with people that you would not have the chance to otherwise.

4. Food

Yes… I said it: FOOD! Everyone loves food and there is a whole other world of it out there. Exotic, tasty, and incredible dishes that we may not even have heard of. Time abroad is a free pass to try anything and everything. A Nutella crêpe? Don’t mind if I do!

5. Living a different lifestyle

It might be a bit of a culture shock when you arrive to whatever fabulous place you choose but this could be one of the only times you get to live in a different country for more than just a couple days. You will get to experience first hand the lifestyle of a different culture. New eating habits, religious customs, traditions and celebrations will all be something you will witness. It just enhances your experience that much more.

6. Meeting new people

This is your chance to meet fascinating people all around the world. You will make bonds with people that are different. You may even meet new people and create friendships with those travelling abroad with you. Think about it, you’ll always have a place to stay when you return someday!

7. Conquer travelling quickly and efficiently

Travelling can always be a hassle. The struggle of going through security, trying to figure out how to fit your whole life in just fifty pounds and how to cope with the jet lag are just a few of the struggles. Studying abroad will make you a pro traveller and teach you how to navigate your way though different places.

8. New perspectives

You will develop new perspectives and broaden your horizons. Yes, it is such a cliché but every cliché has some truth to it and this one could not be truer. It is a chance to see what you’re capable of. It is a chance to learn more about who you are.

9. Independence

We have gained so much independence the day we stepped foot onto campus that first day of our freshman year. Now we have the chance to bring it to the next level. Studying abroad brings you the independence and confidence to throw yourself into another culture. You will grow as a person and learn different things about yourself. Maybe you never knew you liked authentic fish and chips or Italian opera or even bohemian cafés.

10. Shopping

Is an explanation even needed?

11. An experience you will cherish for the rest of your life

With all that you will do and accomplish you will cherish this experience for the rest of your life. The bonds that you will make with others, the discoveries of who you are, and the stories you will be able to tell will stay with you. You will be able to look back on these memories and translate them into your everyday life back home. It truly is something very special that is all your own.

Be brave and daring collegiette’s. This decision might just be the best thing you ever do for yourself. Plus, if you don’t think staying for an entire semester is for you there are other options for summer programs, winter sessions and even trips over spring break. These are only eleven reasons why you should go abroad but there are so many more. The possibilities are endless so why not?  

Adriana is currently a second semester senior at Fairfield University. She is majoring in Communication and English with a concentration in creative writing as well as a double minor in marketing and women, gender and sexuality studies.              
Amanda McKelvey is a Co-Campus Correspondent and a senior at Fairfield University. She is a Journalism major with minors in Psychology and Communications. In addition to being a CC she has held internships with Michael Kors, CollegeFashionista.com and the Rockville Centre and Baldwin Heralds. In her free time, Amanda enjoys days on the beaches of Long Island, watching Scandal, Chicago Fire and the Bachelorette, eating anything sweet (chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes—you name it!) and reading a good book. She’s excited to spend her senior year living at Fairfield Beach with her best friends including fellow CC Danielle Tullo! You can follow her on Twitter @theAMANDAshowww or on Instagram @ammckelvey.