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10 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Most Humans

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

No matter what dog breed you encounter, everyone can agree that most of the time, dogs are more tolerable than people.  What could be better than cute fur-balls that give constant, slobbery kisses?!  Here are a few reasons why dogs are truly man’s (and woman’s) best friends.


1.  First, they are ADORABLE

2.“Netflix and chill” is not in a dog’s vocabulary

3. Dogs listen to what you sayAnd they don’t even talk back.

4They love to platonic snuggle


5. Dogs can’t ignore your texts……and even if they could, they wouldn’t.

6. They don’t discriminate based on gender, sexual preference or race; everyone is equal in their eyesUnless you’re the one in the family that slips them food under the table, then you’re definitely their favorite.

7. Dogs don’t hold grudgesYou could totally fake throw their toy (multiple times) and minutes later, they’re licking your face

8. Your puppy will always be there for you when you have a bad day


9. Dogs are bad at hiding their emotions

There is no guessing what mood they are in; their faces say it all.

10. Friendships come and go. A bond with your dog is forever

Pamela is currently in her senior year at Fairfield Univerity where she is majoring in management. In her free time she enjoys working out, spending time with friends and family and binge watching reality television. *guilty*.... Follow her on instagram! @pamelagrant