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Vocelli Pizza at F&M

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

So Vocelli Pizza at F&M has been open for a little bit now, and I have to admit, they’re pretty good. I mean yes Dini’s (is it still Dini’s) still has those lovely burritos that make our stomachs quite unhappy later on, Vocelli Pizza is good. They brought back the mozzeralla sticks (I’m sorry, I mean “provolone sticks”), which, while probably not great for my waistline, are pretty good…and okay, maybe a bit addicting. Ditto with their cheese sticks, which is basically an only cheese pizza cut up into sticks, but incredibly delicious. The pizza is much better than when it was “Slice of Life” last year. Yes, the pieces may be smaller, but you can get two slices for one meal swipe, instead of a huge slice of pizza covered in way too much grease, oil, and on semi-stale bread. (I’m kidding…it wasn’t that bad…I think). The pizza is gooey, delicious, and super cheesy, just the way I like it.

For many upperclassmen who are not Kosher (like me) or vegetarian, there was a lot of excitement over the return of chicken tenders and chicken wings that only cost a meal swipe, back from those years ago, aka about 1.5 years. So maybe the fries aren’t back there with the tenders and wings, but hey, it’s chicken right? (Or is this just me not understanding the appeal of non-Kosher chicken, as per my usual?)

The staff is also super nice and friendly. And okay, maybe it doesn’t hurt that they deliver on campus now, something that only Ben’s Underground used to do, for those of us too lazy to go to the College Center. Plus, they gave out awesome free waterbottles to F&M students with their number on it and with a menu and some other really cool goodies inside. It seems like this is the year of the waterbottles, since they are everywhere….but that’s not a bad thing. So how can you hate getting free things?

While these are the only things I may tried on the menu, there are so many things that look so awesome and/or I can’t try because I’m Kosher. However, I hope you, the F&M community, will join me in welcoming Vocelli Pizza on campus! YAY!

Along with being the Her Campus Franklin and Marshall Campus Correspondent, I am also the editor-in-chief of Epilogue, F&M's literary Magazine, Staff Writer for The College Reporter, F&M's student newspaper, and a very active member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. When not hard at work, you can find me writing, reading, geeking out over Disney movies with my friends, or doing art projects.