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How to Decorate Your F&M Dorm for Halloween

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

Too old to trick or treat? But still love the Halloween atmosphere? Here are some ideas for decorating your dorm room for Halloween:

1. Too early for Halloween? Going for the autumn touch? Try gathering some different colored leaves around campus (There are so many since F&M’s campus is considered an arboretum.) and stitch them tightly together to make a leaf wreath. While you are at it, go to central market and buy some dried corn. They will look great with the colorful leaves.

2. Only have a little time to decorate? Start with your door. That’s all that most people are really going to see anyway. Take some white printer paper and cut out shapes of ghosts and hang them on your door. Make a giant sign that says “Happy Halloween!” Toward the bottom maybe cut out some tombstones and put funny sayings on them like “RIP: Here come midterms.” Have fun with decorating your door; it shows your fun personality!

3. Want to make it subtle that you care just a little for Halloween? Go to the supply office in the College Center and ask to use their construction paper. Cut out a black silhouette of something Halloweeny. It could be a bat, a spooky ghost, a spider, or a witch. Get creative with it! Then, when you get back to your dorm put it in your window so everyone can see your Halloween spirit.

4. What’s Halloween without a carved pumpkin? Dhall is having a pumpkin carving contest. They provide you with a pumpkin and the tools to make it. Try carving something from your favorite Halloween movie or go with the classic geometric pumpkin face. Keep the pumpkin seeds that you scoop out. They make great snacks if you heat them up with a little salt and olive oil in the oven.

5. Want to add just a little more to your dorm while you’re at it? Go to The Dollar Store down the street and buy some of the cheap spider webbing. Hang it from all your furniture. For a spooky feel have it hanging from the ceiling and doorway. Add some of those spider rings to the cobwebs. Your dorm will be looking eerie!

6. Going all out? Want to make your dorm the most haunted dorm on the hall? Hang up some dark cloths along your walls to make your room extra dark. Buy some strobe lights and hook them up to some scary music. Replace those ugly white lights with some black lights. Everything you own that’s neon will glow! Maybe steal some ketchup from Dhall and use it as fake blood on some cardboard cutouts. Here’s an idea: lay some duck tape on the floor in the shape of a person like they do for murder scenes on NCIS. You’ll be the Halloween Queen for sure!

Kristina is a senior HerCampus writer at the beautiful Franklin and Marshall College located in Lancaster, PA. For the last two years, she has been writing for the F&M chapter of HerCampus. Her other campus activities include tutoring for the physics department, editing the yearbook, and DJing for the WFNM radio station. Kristina graduates this year with a major in Astrophysics and minor in Applied Mathematics. She aspires to take her writing and science skills, and become a researcher in the field of atmospheric science.
Along with being the Her Campus Franklin and Marshall Campus Correspondent, I am also the editor-in-chief of Epilogue, F&M's literary Magazine, Staff Writer for The College Reporter, F&M's student newspaper, and a very active member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. When not hard at work, you can find me writing, reading, geeking out over Disney movies with my friends, or doing art projects.