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F&M Orchestra Presents: Firebird

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

            Saturday, November 14th was this semester’s orchestra concert. The F&M orchestra took the stage at 8pm and gave what was a spectacular concert! They opened the first half with Consecration of the House Overture by Beethoveen and Symphony No. 2 by Hanson. After a short intermission, the orchestra premiered junior Clarissa Grunwald’s piece Evening Showers. After this beautiful performance, they played Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite. By the end of the show, everyone was thoroughly impressed and glad to have witnessed such an outstanding performance. The F&M orchestra once again showed their skill in tackling difficult pieces with gusto and presenting their audience with a tremendous performance. It was a great night full of amazing music that dozens of people were able to enjoy!

I attend Franklin & Marshall College and am the campus correspondent of the Her Campus chapter here. I also play flute with the Pep Band and Symphonic Wind Ensemble. I am an editor for the Patsy Post, am involved with F&M Unleashed, a member of Mu Upsilon Sigma, and a Brother of Phi Sigma Pi, a co-ed honors fraternity.