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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Penn Valley, PA

Activities on campus: Varsity Squash

Relationship Status: Single

Favorite girl getup: Something simple. I like a girl who looks sexy in jeans and a t-shirt because it shows she can still look good without trying too hard.

Boxers or briefs: Definitely boxers. Hands down. They are just better. And a lot more comfortable!

What would you do if you had a million dollars right now? I would buy a nice a car for myself and then I would put the rest in the bank and spend it later.

Favorite way to spend a Saturday: My perfect Saturday includes ordering Chinese food and watching a movie or college football all day. I’m a really laid back guy.

Biggest turn on: My biggest turn on is a girl with a good sense of humor and who knows how to laugh.. especially at my jokes. There is nothing sexier than a girl who can tell a good joke or laugh at a dumb joke that I told.

Biggest turn off: A huge turn off is if a girl has a stuck up attitude. I don’t need any high maintenance women in my life.

Top 5 activities on your Bucket List: I would really love to go to Thailand, get a motorcycle, go cage diving with sharks, hang out with Liam Neeson for a day, and to go to Ibiza, Spain.

Would you pick up a girl in the gym? Absolutely. A toned, fit girl is always sexy.

Something people should know about you: I’m a twin! And I’m the better looking one.

Reason why he is our campus cutie? Apart from playing on the varsity squash team, Brian is a part of ‘Squash Aces,’ which is an urban squash program in Lancaster that teaches kids how to be good students and squash players, as well as helping them get into college. Brian is very involved in the F&M community and always looks good doing whatever it is that he is doing. Could he be any cuter? Hopefully we can go to Ibiza with him someday!