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Allie Brady ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.
Allie Brady ’17
Major: Intended joint major in public health (on the gov track) and psychology and a major in classics
Hometown: Lake Forest, IL
Clubs: Alpha Xi Delta, Dance Team, Spoon, Ware College House Mentor
Year: Sophomore 
1. What are you most looking forward to this semester?
I’m looking forward to Alpha Xi Delta’s very first philanthropy event and to officially declaring my majors!
2. What’s your favorite F&M memory?
My favortie F&M memory is definitely PIT. That was the best week ever. I wish I could do it again! No shame. No boundaries. Uninhibited.
3. What class are you most excited about this semester?
I’m actually really excited about all of my classes this semester! I’m taking Latin, Public Health, Health Psych and Water, Life, and Society. They’re all really interesting!
4. What is the best advice you’ve ever given?
I am a firm believer in, “if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.” However, that doesn’t mean you give up on your dream. If you want something, don’t stop working for it – no matter how many times you get knocked down – everything will work out.  Also, always have an open mind because you’ll never know what’s going to happen. And most importantly, never lose sight of who you are.
5. Ben Franklin or John Marshall?
Hmmm…I’m gonna say both because without both of them Franklin & Marshall wouldn’t exist!


I am currently a senior at Franklin and Marshall College in the picturesque city of Lancaster, PA. I am a Spanish and History major and I'm excited to be a writer for HerCampus F&M. I love finding new and interesting ways to design nails and always share it with others. I also love all things of adventurous and exotic natures, stories, art, and cute boys (let's not forget what we really are checking on HerCampus).
Along with being the Her Campus Franklin and Marshall Campus Correspondent, I am also the editor-in-chief of Epilogue, F&M's literary Magazine, Staff Writer for The College Reporter, F&M's student newspaper, and a very active member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. When not hard at work, you can find me writing, reading, geeking out over Disney movies with my friends, or doing art projects.