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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

Adil Tyeb ’15

Hometown: Mechanicsburg, PA

Year: 2015

Major: Biology

Three words to Describe Yourself: Enthusiastic, Diligent, and Kindhearted

Why F&M: small class size, research opportunities, house system, and cultural diversity of the campus

Campus involvement: Founder and Chair of Protect the Laughter Dance-A-Thon, Class Representative in Brooks House Congress, Sports Medicine Assistant, Brooks House Advisor, Treasurer of Muslim Student Association (MSA), Field Team Leader of The Human Right’s Initiative (THRI), and Phi Mu Epsilon math honorary society member

Favorite part of being involved with PTL: Dancing with friends and raising funds for children in need

Hidden talent: Dancing

Favorite quote: It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. -Theodore Roosevelt

Ben or John? Ben

I attend Franklin & Marshall College and am the campus correspondent of the Her Campus chapter here. I also play flute with the Pep Band and Symphonic Wind Ensemble. I am an editor for the Patsy Post, am involved with F&M Unleashed, a member of Mu Upsilon Sigma, and a Brother of Phi Sigma Pi, a co-ed honors fraternity.
Along with being the Her Campus Franklin and Marshall Campus Correspondent, I am also the editor-in-chief of Epilogue, F&M's literary Magazine, Staff Writer for The College Reporter, F&M's student newspaper, and a very active member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. When not hard at work, you can find me writing, reading, geeking out over Disney movies with my friends, or doing art projects.