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Why Join Exeter University Lacrosse Club?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.


Why join Exeter University Lacrosse Club?

Thinking about joining a sports club in Exeter? Why not try out Exeter University Lacrosse Club, known to most as EULC. Being the only mixed club in the University it’s a great way to make new friends and keep fit at the same time, so why not try it out!


  • Exercise/health benefits: Lacrosse is a fun way to exercise with other people and make new friends! In each session you always do something different whether it’s drills, working on fitness or playing a match so you get a really varied workout, working all the different muscles in your body rather than focussing on a specific area. So if the gym isn’t for you or you don’t think you’re quite up for a run around Exeter with a hangover then why not try lacrosse! 


  • Social: Lacrosse is the only mixed club in the whole of Exeter, so is a great way to meet new people (and check out the talent in Exeter). Socials are held every Wednesday at John Gandy’s and then onto Timepiece…You don’t want to be left out on a Wednesday night when all the sports clubs are heading to everyone’s favourite club! There’s usually a theme for each week’s social making it different from any other night because you get to dress up in fancy dress rather than making yourself look nice – it’s quite nice to have a night when you don’t have to stress about spending hours making yourself look nice, because everyone is going to look silly!
  • Learn something new: University is the perfect time for trying new things so if you’ve never played before then why not start now! EULC welcomes all abilities and runs beginners’ training every week along with mixed training sessions where anyone is welcome. If you’re a little more serious about playing or have played before then why not try out for one of EULCs’ excellent teams!


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Charlotte is a Psychology student just finishing her fresher year and is also the deputy editor of health and fitness for Her Campus Exeter. She loves lunching and going out with her friends, and if it's a Monday or a Thursday you'll always find her in mosaic! In her spare time she loves keeping fit in the gym or running by the quay on a sunny day.