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Weekly Wanderlust: Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

With Christmas officially over, exam well under way, and the winter weather here for the foreseeable future, why not seek a few moments of fantasy (aka. procrastination) browsing the beautiful beaches of Sri Lanka?  Arugam Bay lies on the South East coast of Sri Lanka, and is considered one of the top surfing spots in Asia.  However, if you’re not into surfing, fear not! The beaches are perfect for topping up your tan whilst enjoying juices, cocktails and breath-taking views with your girlfriends. Here are just a few photos I snapped this summer….

With hidden beaches just a tuktuk ride away, you’ll never get bored exploring the natural landscapes along the bay. With wildlife safaris on offer, you might be lucky enough to see an elephant on the way to nearby market towns for a spot of shopping in the mornings.  But best of all you can enjoy the delicious Sri Lankan curries made by the locals (SO yum) every dinner time, followed by beach parties in the evenings!  If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, why not wake up for some morning yoga and watch the sunrise over the Indian ocean? It truly is a jaw-dropping moment, only made better with the company of close friends.

If you’re looking for a Summer 2016 getaway, or are planning a post-uni trip around Asia, be sure to consider Arugam Bay.  You’ll come home refreshed, revitalised and glowing with a tan to make your friends beyond jealous!


Photo Credit: Abigail Leone