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The Ultimate Valentine’s Debate: Staying In vs Going Out?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Valentine Day comes around all too quickly and sometimes preparations are rushed and not properly thought out. Hasty decisions are made and often this results in Valentine ’s Day squabbles. So, with the event just three weeks away, Her Campus would suggest to get preparations under way! Your first hurdle must be the age old debate between whether to stay in with your loved one or advertise to the rest of the world that you are blissfully happy and go out?

Here at HCX we thought we would help in making this decision for you- or at least highlight the pros and cons of each well-thought out gesture. It may seem trivial but believe us, the location of your V-day date can sometimes be a deal breaker! No one wants to have a romantic meal for two cerca McDonalds after all.  But how to decide whether to go out or stay in? Is a cosy night, snuggled up on the sofa your idea of heaven or is a candlelit dinner for two more up your street?  Her Campus weighs up both options in order to help your Valentine’s preparation get under way.

Going out:

This classic romantic gesture is a firm favourite for couples all over the world. The ambiance, candlelight and cosy setting for two are perfect ingredients for a delightful date. It is relatively hassle-free (remember to make reservations early in order to make this an extra special night). Furthermore this is a treat for both of you- especially with student lifestyles where the novelty of eating out can be pretty rare. With that in mind, it can sometimes be quite expensive so just think carefully about where to go as many restaurants increase their prices for this romantic day. Top tip: Look out for any special Valentine’s Day offers and grab yourself a V-day bargain.

Staying In:

The alternative, although often seen as the lesser of the two options can actually work to your advantage! A thoughtful home cooked meal or cosy movie night in front of a roaring fire has all the potential of a romantic night! Plus, staying in is student budget friendly which is most definitely an advantage! A bit of pre-planning and co-ordination with housemates can make this a special night, without even leaving the confines of your own home. After all, it is the thought that truly counts!

For all those singletons out there: the debate of Valentines Day is a concern for you too! Deciding whether to dress up fabulously and go for dinner with your nearest and dearest or wrap up warm against the February evening, donned in your onesie, watching delightfully cringe-worthy reality TV, is an extremely important decision. Whatever you decided to do, make your plans now so that you don’t spend the whole of February dreading the sickingly romantic day! Look out for HCX singletons guide to Valentine’s day for more ideas!

A bit of pre-planning and organisation is crucial to secure a lovely evening whether it is with your loved one or closest friends, so start now!

Photo Credits: www.confetti.co.uk, www.pomegranate.me.uk, www.blog.crazysinglelife.com