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Types of Christmas Shopper Everyone Is Bound to Bump into…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

There are many types of Christmas Shopper.

Firstly, the early bird. This savvy shopper knows all the deals. They’re scavenging the sales, comparing the best buys and picking up the bargains for those things we couldn’t quite justify spending that extra bit on last year. These shoppers began ticking off the list back in the January sales before the rest of us could even contemplate the next academic term, let alone the next Christmas. Extensive research Sherlock would be jealous of, bargain-hunting skills to rival David Dickinson and organisation to put the rest of us to shame, these shoppers haven’t just got the wrapping paper and cards ready, they’re even colour coordinated.

Then, there’s shopper two, the type that, if we’re being honest, most of us would identify with. Forget shopping in the January sales, forget prepping in summer, we can’t be thinking about Christmas jumpers and the cold when we’re thinking of sun, sea and sand! For these shoppers, trying to think of something original for your mum’s present, besides bubble bath is the worst. Let alone, your dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents, housemates, significant others, work colleagues, gym buddies, and the occasional secret Santa or two. This shopper is daring and not afraid to take a risk. Leave the Christmas shopping to the last few weeks? On it. Order on the last possible day to get free delivery? Done. Repeatedly search Amazon’s bestsellers for ideas? Achieved. Multiple times… This shopper leaves it to last minute but still manages to get everything sorted in time for Christmas!

With under three days to go until Christmas, time is officially running out to get your last minute presents! So if you’re shopper type one, two, or somewhere in between, here are the most common types of shoppers everyone is bound to bump into

1.       The wanderer, those shoppers who wonder round the same aisle 10 times, searching for inspiration that sadly never comes…

2.       The undecided, those who rush around 10 shops frantically searching for that one item… only to buy it from the first shop they visited.

3.       The person who’s left it to the last minute, literally. They’re running round desperately, picking up anything they can. Best give these shoppers some room.

4.       The person who swears by gift cards. For everyone, for every occasion.

5.       The shoppers who insist on getting everything in one day. Spotted with multiple bags in tow and a determined stare to match, they’re on a mission.

6.       The recycler, environmentally conscious or just lazy? These shoppers’ re-use old and unwanted presents… it’s the thought that counts though right?

7.       The creative one, these shoppers find homemade gifts are the best. From scrapbooks to hampers, their artistic skills and design flair are the envy of everyone.       Compared to these guys, suddenly your attempt at an arts and craft card isn’t quite up to scratch anymore.

8.       Finally, the Grinch. For these people, Christmas just isn’t their thing, a box of chocolates and socks for everyone will do. Size 10? They’ll get whatever size is left in store. Got that CD last year? Tough luck, you’ll have the same again. Moved on from High School Musical? (Years ago, may we add…) Shame, the Sharpay stationary set is already ordered.  At least they try!

Whatever shopper you are, get ahead of the game! If you find yourself trawling through town, keep an eye out for these types of shoppers.

Merry Christmas!