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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

2015 was a great year – the year we were blessed with the heavenly Uptown Funk, were obsessed with ‘that dress’ (for the record, it was definitely black and blue), claimed we were all attending Azeem’s flute recital, Adele made her amazing comeback and Jennifer Anniston finally tied the knot!

However, not everything that happened in 2015 was as entertaining as Snapchat’s new filters and, whilst going viral on social media, were popular for all the wrong reasons. Here are our top trends to ditch in 2016…

1.     Kylie Jenner Lips. Don’t do it. Please. Your lips become painfully swollen and some people were left with permanent damage, what’s attractive about that?

2.     Bubble Nails. They’re just a bit too impractical aren’t they? How are you meant to keep up with the group whatsapp with little balls stuck to your fingers? Not ideal for getting your funny comment in before the convo moves on if we’re being honest.

3.     The hashtag #Iwokeuplikethis. Really? You woke up like that? With a full face of makeup and hair perfectly in place?! You did? Please share your secrets!

4.     Clip on man buns. Enough said.

5.     Excessive contouring… if you have mastered this technique – fab! If not, blend and then blend some more, in fact you can never blend enough!

6.     Contouring continued… Contouring your chest! It’s hard enough getting your winged eyeliner to match let alone bronzer swooping over your chest! Girls, you are fantastic the way you are!

7.     Waist Trainers. It seemed like everyone was jumping on this bandwagon in 2015, with people assuming you could get the perfect hourglass shape in just a few hours. The honest reality? It’s only temporary and can cause serious health problems, so your best bet is to simply start exercising!

8.     Juice detoxes – whilst getting rid of your body toxins by living off a liquid diet seems appealing, its not that easy and in most cases doesn’t provide the nutrients your body needs. Before you start this one, do a bit of research first to make sure it’s going to be beneficial to you.

So there you have it, these trends certainly made their mark on 2015, but maybe we can get by, by leaving them there! Instead let’s start off the year on a fresh note and see what this year has in store for us!


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