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Top Tips For Meeting His Parents This Christmas!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Tinsel and awkward family moments are just around the corner. AND your boyfriend finally wants you to meet his parents – it is Christmas after all! While this might make you a little nervous, you should be glad that he wants to show you off, and this is a big step forward! That is, if all goes well…

But don’t worry, HCX has come up wtih a few of our top tips to help you out!

Top Top Number One: quickly assess how you look, it plays a huge role in first impressions: no slutty low-cut cleavages, they won’t have you scoring any points with mum. This also means ditch the short skirts, heels and anything latex! However, theres no need to dress up for The Queen, even if they are super fancy you don’t want to look like you are trying too hard, chances are it might backfire. Leggings and a longer floaty top are always a winner and the perfect intermediate.

Two: Remember, his family will know a different side of him to you, so try not to gasp in horror when he ends up in a tickle fight with his sister (and fair enough if you don’t want to join in). This may come as a slight turn off, but keep in mind that you will leave this slightly bizzare world and get back the boyfriend you know and love soon enough.

Three: Try not to suck up like you might with your friends’ parents – be polite, not pretentious! If you’ve gotten this far you will have plenty of time to gradually win them over and make sure they know you are the best girlfriend he will ever have, and maybe would even make a great daughter-in-law…

Four: Allow them to lead the conversation – they have all lived together for a very long time and will have their own family dynamic. However if the silence is ringing in your ears, then here are a few conversationa fall-backs, that shouldn’t be too controversial:

 “This food is delicious.”

“You have a lovely home.”

“Do you get to Exeter much to visit ‘little Jonny’ (insert boyfriend’s name here…) ?”

Five: Just a warning though, avoid weather talk at all costs (unless there has just been a shocking tornado that has wiped out half of the countryside) as chances are it will kill all previous chat and leave a void, making it very obvious you’ve run out of things to say! 

Six: Also, don’t exaggerate or lie if you feel inadequate, they are older and wiser and will see right through you. They would much rather their son be with Plain Jane, than Billy Liar. And definitely don’t begin any sentences with the words “My ex” remember, in their eyes they want to imagine you are lovely lady with no past and an air of innocence.

Seven: Very importantly, keep the PDA to a minimum! A parent never wants to be able to imagine their child doing anything too intimate… Hand holding or an arm around the shoulder are both safe, but they are not ready to see any lip to lip action or a full blown make out sesh just yet.

Finally, Top Tip Number Eight: Of course remember to be yourself… He likes you so let them see why! Oh, and maybe a box of chocolate wouldn’t go a miss. 

Photo Credit – eflirtexpert.com