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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

1) Scream

This film, or trilogy, is one of the classic films to crack out come October 31st. It’s a typical slasher film, starring Neve Campbell as our resident damsel in distress. This film was considered pretty revolutionary within its sub-genre after it seemed like slasher films had been done to death. The twist at the end is pretty good and – although, since Scream’s release, it has become a pretty clichéd ending now – it was the first to have such a dramatic conclusion. Any ‘Friends’ fans out there will love to see their beloved Monica become the ruthless reporter, Gale weathers. For those of you who have already seen this, it’s always a good film to watch at Hallowe’en, and for those who haven’t, here’s a taster for you:

2) Hole

If you’re more a fan of the thriller at Hallowe’en, then this is a great film to watch. It centres on a group of teenagers who hide out from their geography field trip in a deserted war bunker. Unfortunately, the door locks behind them (who would have guessed?) and the rest of the film is about the memories and recovery of the only survivor of the group. The cast in this film are great and even stars a young Kiera Knightley and Lawrence Fox (for all you Lewis fans out there). Again, this has a great twist at the end – one of the best HCX has ever seen.

3) The Shining 

Sometimes, the oldies are the best. This 80’s Kubrick film is a fab adaptation of Stephen King’s novel and Jack Nicholson’s method acting is taken to the next level. The leading man is Jack Torrance, a writer, who takes a winter caretaking job at a hotel to focus on his writing. When there, though, Jack seems to be more and more affected by the building until he becomes entirely crazed and turns on his family. If you’re a fan of scary films about ghosts and madness, then this would be a good choice for Hallowe’en – this film has mastered the art of creepy:

4) Carrie

Apparently Stephen King adaptations make for good horror films. ‘Carrie’ has it all: telekinesis, betrayal, an abusive mother, a very young John Travolta and a prom. Carrie is a social outcast at school, especially because of her mother’s warped parenting skills, and when she gets to go to prom she ends up being humiliated in front of her classmates. The lead roles are incredibly well-acted in this film (Sissy Spacek was nominated for an Oscar, and this film completely rejuvenated Laurie Piper’s career) and so well written that we still see Carrie as both villain and victim at the end of the film. If you want a teen horror flick that has a bit more to it then this is definitely your Halloween film this year.

5) Silence of the Lambs

If you want a villain that makes your skin crawl, then look no further than Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) in ‘Silence of the Lambs’ – he’s not even the killer that Agent Starling (Jodie Foster) is hunting, but is instead a consultant, from his prison cell, on her case. Lecter – a  cannibalistic psychopath – develops a strange respect for Clarice Starling, which unfolds throughout the film. If you’re still not completely sure whether you want to see Silence of the Lambs, then the fact that it’s only one of three films to have won Oscars in all five major categories might persuade you.

Photo Credits: www.twistecentral.com, www.thehumancinemapede.com

Video Credits: www.youtube.com