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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

This week’s campus cutie is the very charming Tom Hickman. Whether it’s excelling in iGEM or running the latest charity marathon, one thing’s for sure ladies, Tom is more than just a pretty face…


Name: Tom Hickman

Year: 3rd

Course: Biological Sciences

Hometown: Chichester

Relationship Status: Dating…Sorry girls!

How would you describe yourself in 3 words? 

Motivated, funny, caring

Three qualities you’d want your dream girl to have?

She would have be kind, have a good sense of humour and not take life too seriously.

What’s your biggest turn-off in a girl?

Arrogance and dishonesty

 Describe your perfect date:

Dinner, at a nice restaurant with someone I can have a really good chat with.

Current celebrity crush?

Definitely Miranda Kerr!

Describe your dream holiday destination:

It’s not so much a destination but I would love to rent a car and drive it across North America from coast to coast, with a couple of mates.

Proudest moment in Exeter so far?

Has to be last weekend when I ran my first ever marathon! It was a bit of a last minute decision to run the full marathon instead of the half, so it was touch and go whether I was going to actually finish! However I did (with a pretty decent time) and managed to raise quite a lot for the charity AICR… so yeah, I’m quite proud.

If you had access to a time machine, where would you go and why?

I’d probably go back to just before the Beatles were big and shotgun being their groupie. Or I’d go back to the whenever the last massive lottery rollover was and cash in!

Who’s your role model/idol and why?

David Attenborough. He is my hero I can’t really give a reason why, he is just a legend. Go and watch some of his stuff.

Finally, if you knew you had one day left on earth, how would you spend it?

That’s a bit morbid! I reckon I’d just have a massive party with everyone I know.

In my third year studying biological sciences - I can't believe it's almost over!