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Things Boys Wear That We Hate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

It is a well-known fact that well dressed boys are always more attractive, and generally guys around Exeter certainly know how to channel their inner David Beckham. But in the same way that boys view UGG boots on us, these items are certainly not acceptable on men and if owned quite frankly should be burnt…


Firstly, it’s winter so there is no need to wear these unless the guy plans on getting frostbite. We all know whenever the sun comes out, everyone in England (us girls included) seem to think it’s acceptable to wear nothing but the sight of your hairy toes poking out is enough to turn our stomach. The only acceptable location is at Exmouth beach during a heat wave, so until then keep make sure your men keep their flip flops hidden in the depths of their cupboard.

Tighty whiteys

This includes boxer briefs and speedos. Unless they resemble Daniel Craig/David Beckham in them, they are pretty much unforgiveable. There is nothing worse than thinking you have found the love of your life in Timepiece only to be confronted with their tight briefs. In an incident like this, the only thing to show them is the door. 

Bootleg flares

These are a complete NO GO AREA. They don’t help boys out in any possible way; instead bell-bottoms make their feet look like hooves. So please start a bonfire and ‘accidently’ throw your man’s pair into the flames. 

Short sleeve shirts

It is often wondered why these were ever created. If guys pair one of these bad boys with a tie and it’s game over. They are difficult to pull off; biceps are the only thing that just about rescues this fashion disaster because they prevent a flapping sleeve. They may be cooler (temperature wise) than a normal shirt but by just rolling up long sleeves, boys will go from resembling your Granddad to Gosling.



Photo credits – phatfriend.com, technorati.com, glamour.com, ebay.com, dudesnews.com