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The Superfoods You Didn’t Know About

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Blazened across any health & fitness blog, website or book you’ll find the term ‘superfood’. By now we’re all well acquainted with the popular superfoods such as, broccoli, blueberries, kale and spinach to name but a few. However, Her Campus wants to bring to you the superfoods you may not have heard of. The following superfoods are filled with incredible nutrients, minerals and antioxidants, which our bodies thrive off of and love!


Easily confused with traditional cocoa, cacao although sharing the same delicious chocolate based flavour, is so much better for our bodies. The taste is exactly the same but it actually benefits our health so you don’t have to feel guilty eating it. Cacao comes in many forms from nibs to powder, but all are easy additions to any diet. Cacao is unrefined, meaning that it hasn’t been stripped of all its original vitamins and minerals. Cacao is one of the world’s best sources of antioxidants, making this superfood amazingly good for our health as the antioxidants absorb the free radicals that cause damage in our bodies. Cacao promotes good cardiovascular and hearth health, as well as improving circulation and lowering blood pressure. Cacao is also one of the best dietary sources of magnesium, keeping our hearts healthy and promoting bone, muscle and nerve heath. Cacao is also thought to be a natural mood enhancer as it raises our levels of serotonin. The benefits of this superfood are vast, and makes the perfect supplement for cocoa.


Spirulina, like cacao, has its fair share of health benefits. Spirulina is a natural “algae”, is rich in protein and has a naturally high iron content, making it a great source of energy. Spirulina helps remove toxins from the blood and boost the immune system, improves digestion, reduces inflammation in our bodies and maintains healthy cardiovascular health. Spirulina is rich in Vitamin B complex and so promotes a healthy brain, memory and concentration. The health benefits of Spirulina are endless however; the only downside of this incredible superfood is its pungent taste. The best way to incorporate this into your diet is to add it to a smoothie or drink.

Chia Seeds

Like the other superfoods mentioned here, chia seeds are an easy addition to any diet. Chia seeds are a high source of omega 3 fatty acids and fibre. Their high fibre content helps our bodies to get rid of any waste and toxins. Due to their high omega content, chia seeds are known to have great inflammatory effects. On top of this, chia seeds are full of magnesium, zinc, protein and iron.


Flaxseeds are very similar to chia seeds in terms of their nutritional content. Flaxseeds contain heart healthy fats, which lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are also full of antioxidants, which means they protect our bodies from damages that can lead to chronic diseases. The high fibre content of flaxseeds means they work wonders on the digestive tract. Flaxseeds encourage a healthy digestive system and improve intestinal absorption of nutrients. 

Photo Credits: www.pinterest.com