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Style over Sweat: How to Avoid the ‘Exeter Sweats’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Inspiration not perspiration

Whether you are a fresh or an experienced second or third year, there is no denying that you will inevitably fall victim to the infamous ‘Exeter Sweats’. Transitional season fashion is a difficult task to master in itself, but add the numerous hills and you’ve got a deadly combination – or at least a gross, sticky one. 

We’ve all been there. It may be early on in the year but the sweats have already hit, and boy, did they hit hard. On a seemingly chilly Monday morning we had our first lecture of the year, which we were, of course, running slightly late for (rushing makes it so much worse). Kitted out in the usual Exeter garms (gym kit and old stash, obviously), we set out on our journey. After tackling our first hill we thought it wasn’t going to be so bad, but after the next two and with Forum hill still to go, we knew we weren’t going to make it. Lo and behold, the moment we walked into the lecture (9.35, right on time) we were sweating profusely. Of course, 20 minutes later the sweating subsided and it felt very cold again. Here at HCX we tend to think of ourselves as people who don’t sweat too much, but Exeter changes a person

So, if you know the experience and wish to avoid it, here are our tips on how to look good without melting.

It’s always important to consider the weather when getting dressed, even in less hilly places! Please do not be fooled when it looks to be a cold day, once you’ve been walking for a while you will warm up. Luckily, layering is the perfect way to get around this and is a key trend transitioning into autumn. You want to stick to around three light layers for the earlier months, and can add more when the weather gets colder.

Trends such as wearing camisoles over t-shirts are good, totally on trend and should give you the right mix of warm but cool. Less is always more when it comes to dressing and if you feel that you can’t wait for the cold, rainy days of winter but it’s still too warm, don’t throw on the knitwear. Instead, opt for an autumnal material like velvet. A velvet t-shirt would be perfect: cool, yet obviously ready for winter.

Surprisingly, dresses are a fantastic way to look good and remain cool on campus. Pinafore dresses are great for looking cute and they are made for layering. Dress it down with some cool trainers or ankle boots which will be comfortable and so on trend. If it’s warmer, you can go without tights or wear a looser shift or smock dress to allow for more ventilation. You will look and feel great.

Hopefully, these tips will help you stay true to your inner fashionista and will help you keep an even temp. Our last piece of advice is to always carry deodorant, no one wants to have seminars with smelly people.