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Study Abroad: Halloween In Asia

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

One thing that I have been really looking forward to experiencing here is Halloween. I never really thought that I would be spending Halloween in Hong Kong, but this is another thing that I can cross off my bucket list! Back home I am not one who really dresses up and goes all out for Halloween, but this year seems to be different and I already have my outfit planned and ready. After all this seems to be the year of change. To be honest I was kind of shocked by how many of the other exchange students had already prepared and ordered their outfits ready for Halloween with over a week to go.

Halloween at Disneyland.

After all the hustle and bustle of the first couple of months it’s nice to have this familiar holiday and to celebrate in a nearly normal style like I would back home. Although I think I am going to be feeling slightly homesick seeing everyone’s picture back home but hopefully this will pass. I have to say I didn’t think that it would be such a big deal out here, but I was very wrong.  Fun fact is that Halloween was nearly non-existent in Hong Kong not that long ago and suddenly it is becoming more and more popular. Around halls all the locals seem to be the most excited about Halloween; already they have decorated their rooms and now moved on to decorate the common room. It is weird to say that its seems the norm out here to spend Halloween at either Disneyland or Ocean World Water Park, where as back in Exeter you would probably end up in Arena or Timepiece. 

Halloween at Ocean Park.

It’s also weird to see that so many exchange students don’t actually celebrate Halloween back in their home country and this will be their first proper time doing anything to celebrate this special day. Unlike home, Halloween here seems to be a full day event, with events running all day and all night. Ideally you could spend the whole day at Disney and then head to one of the many street parties and then the central bar area. On the actual day of Halloween we are likely to see street parades, vast amount of decorations and shows.  I cannot wait to see what next week will be like when Hong Kong will really start to get into the swing of Halloween. I think that this years Halloween is going to be one that I won’t forget. It has already been a year of unforgettable experiences and this can be another one to add to the list!

Photo Credits: disneyandmore.blogspot.com, intransit.blogs.nytimes.com, ymcastlouis.org