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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

We might think we know all there is to know about our fellow student neighbours, judging them from behind our windows.

We can often see them through the lit-up glass, working at their desks, or straightening their hair/ perfecting their man buns ahead of a big night out. There’s the guy next door who’s always blaring house music, and the girl opposite who’s always in her room and never seems to go out.

But how much do we really know about our fellow students, who live just next door? Those people we catch a glimpse at are probably hiding their own dirty little secrets. 

For all we know, that girl who never goes out could be making a living having phone sex, and the guy blaring music could be trying to cover up his porn addiction. 

At Exeter, we are relatively known for our love of sex (see SSB controversy), so here at HerCampus, we wanted to find out exactly what goes on behind closed doors.

Our nosiness got the better of us, so we interviewed each member of a student house, somewhere in the Pennsylvania area. Each housemate had their own sexual secrets, confessions and fantasies, none of which you would ever know just from looking at their red front door…





Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship status: Single as F**k

No. of Past Sexual Partners: 9

First time? When I was 15…I discovered I was allergic to latex so evidently it was fairly traumatic

Biggest turn-on? Biting/handcuffs

Best after-sex quotation?  He said “that was marvellous” (#exetah)

Favourite position? Doggy/69

Most embarrassing sexual experience? I had morning sex that only lasted 30 seconds #awks.

Most adventurous place you have done it? Woods.

Worst injury from sex? Cutting my hands on the glass in the shower.

Sex confession? I was in school and offered to give this boy a BJ for his birthday. It all went fabulously until I walked into the common room and one of his friends noticed that I had a suspicious stain on my jumper, and then told everyone. And then I had to wear that jumper for the rest of the day…at least the boy got a BJ so it was all for a good cause.

Emoji that represents your sex life:




Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Lesbihonest

Relationship status: Wifey’d up

No. of Past Sexual Partners: Girls=5, Boys=5

First time? With a girl it was at 16 with a 32-year old brunette on a beach, and with a boy it was drunk in Zante (first times are best done abroad obv).

Biggest turn-on? Being spanked

Favourite position?  69 followed by 99

Worst thing about your sex life? No willies

Best thing about your sex life? No willies – and never having to worry about pregnancy!

Most adventurous place you have done it? In a classroom.

Type? I go for the three Bs: blonde, booby and booty.

Sex confession? I own six vibrators. One for every day of the week (except Sundays cos I’m religious obv).


Emoji that represents your sex life:




Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Pansexual with an interest in polyamarous aka edgy

Relationship status: Taken

No. of Past Sexual Partners: 11

First time? Spent the whole time questioning why people do this for fun and how many times I’d have to do it before it would get relatively pleasurable

Biggest turn-on? Sapiosexual. One mention of politics and I’m melting.

Favourite position? The melody maker

Most embarrassing sexual experience? Having sex on a cliff edge and being found by a dog walker.

Most adventurous place you have done it? On the billiards table in a hotel (#exetah)…or on a train (can’t be classy all the time).

Worst injury from sex? Broken, severed and dislocated dignity.

Best thing about your sex life? Would probably say the sex.

Worst thing about your sex life? The mess

Emoji that represents your sex life:



Gender: Male

Age: 19

Sexuality: Massive homo

Relationship status: Exceptionally alone

No. of Past Sexual Partners: 2

Biggest turn-on? Just anyone sucking on my D really.

Favourite position? Dog dog doggy

Most embarrassing sexual experience? Me and this guy were giving mutual bjs against university buildings (on a different uni campus), and a man in a high-vis jacket shone a torch on us while D was still in mouth.

Most adventurous place you have done it? Would be those uni campus funsies, although I can’t say I’m appealed by public places anymore…

Best thing about your sex life? Free clothes from my hunky lovers (i.e. one shirt, one t-shirt, one pair of trousers and two jackets)

Worst thing about your sex life? Having too much to handle…

Sex confession?  I once gave a hand-job in Timepiece.


Emoji that represents your sex life:



Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship status: Practically married

No. of Past Sexual Partners: 2

Biggest turn-on? Neck caressing

Favourite position? Lotus

Most adventurous place you have done it? In front of a fire

Worst injury from sex? Getting horrific cramp in my bum so much so that I was stuck in position for about five minutes.

Best thing about your sex life? He only lives round the corner so I can have it whenever I want!

Worst thing about your sex life? Being super ticklish, and I have a fairly low gag reflex making BJs a bit of a song and dance.

Sex confession? Having a sex chest full of cheeky goodies (a la Fifty Shades except not as bondage-y).


Emoji that represents your sex life:




Gender: Male

Age: 21

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship status: Taken

No. of  Past Sexual Partners: 9

First time? It was only last year and was with a really close friend. We had just been to a wedding, and a movie and some vodka led to some hanky panky. Surprisingly, it wasn’t even awkward afterwards and we are still friends.

Biggest turn-on? Being tied up

Best after-sex quotation? ‘Will you go out with me’ (I said it…fortunately she said yes).

Favourite position? Cowgirl

Most embarrassing sexual experience? A girl bruised my penis when she bit down too hard on the tip. It was so painful!

Worst thing about sex life? That I am scared of blowjobs…see previous answer.

Best thing about sex life? I get turned on by turning other people on.

Most adventurous place you have done it? In a park.

Type? I like small and perky boobs…and a nice smile (just to make it a little more romantic).

Emoji that represents your sex life: