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Running – “Just Do It”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

From a quick jog around the block in an attempt to burn off the devilish Ben & Jerry’s to a severely intense gym session, running is at the forefront of many people’s minds; they know they should be exercising but the thought of actually putting it into practice seems almost too grim to bear. So, realistically, is the art of running worth all the pain and dread it causes?

Aside from the obvious advantages of losing weight and a more trim physique, running, especially outside, creates a release of endorphins that can cause euphoria (runner’s high) or just a general sense of happiness. It has also been proven to train the mind; by forcing yourself to overcome the obstacles that running can throw your way, you learn focus and determination. Now who can honestly say they wouldn’t enjoy a period of time during their hectic day where there is less tension, less depression, less fatigue and less confusion?

Now if you’re not one to run alone, there’s a solution! There are many running clubs that congregate at certain times throughout the week all of which are always welcoming to newcomers. I have recently discovered the Nike Run Club, a completely free opportunity to run with others, all of varying standards. They gather at 6:15pm on a Tuesday at the Nike store with a variety of distances to choose from. It is a fun and efficient way of burning those extra calories and improving your fitness.

As someone who has recently become very familiar with running as a result of my registration into the Paris Marathon, I too can confirm that the idea of parting ways with the sofa and a really entertaining movie to go for a run seems less than appealing. But hell, if I can even consider running 26.2 miles in April (the idea of which already makes me feel weak at the knees), then I have no doubt that you are capable of relinquishing your jeans and woolly jumpers and adopting a slightly sportier look. I’m not saying I am expecting a multitude of Usain Bolts to invade the sports centre all of a sudden, but even just a twenty minute jog on the treadmill will do wonders for your health and figure.

Although the idea of walking around campus drenched from head to toe in sweat after a productive gym session seems less than ideal, the after-effects will be more than worth it. Just think you’ll have more stamina for the dance floor and you’ll be looking and feeling fabulous in your LBD. So in the words of the well-known brand Nike, “Just do it”.

Image credits: ultra-health.org, nike.com

Georgie Hazell is a final year Anthropology and International Politics student at the University of Exeter, UK. Georgie became involved with Her Campus during her semester studying abroad at the College of William & Mary, along with Rocket (the campus fashion magazine), Trendspotters (the campus fashion TV show) and Tri Delta sorority. She hopes to pursue a career in media or marketing in the future. Georgie has a passion for travel and experiencing new cultures, and spent five months travelling the world on her Gap Year.