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Risque Sex in Exeter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Disclaimer: Her Campus do not endorse the decision to rendezvous on campus and to participate in said activities is to do so at one’s own risk.

Bored of the same old setting for your sexual escapades?  Her Campus gives you the top ten places to hook up on campus!

1.     The Library

Ever wanted to take a break from a late night library study sesh? We’ve heard the rolling stacks can provide the perfect location for a study break!


2.     Campus woodland

We all know Exeter University is renowned for having the highest tree to student population ratio. Might as well take advantage of it.



3.     The Lemmy Roof

Did everyone know there is a Lemmy Roof? Because we didn’t! For those thrill-seekers out there, take some time out from dancing the night away to the same old Lemmy playlist, and visit the Lemmy roof for a cheeky bit of action.


4.     The Forum

Speaking of the Lemmy, ever popped into the Forum mid-night out to grab some cash? A trip to the Forum toilets will yield much more privacy (and is slightly classier) than the Lemmy toilets.


5.     Reed Hall Gardens

Could you get more scenic?  For those with grand fantasies involving a mansion, elegant gardens and a sexy young gentleman, this might be the closest setting you can get. Think Taylor Swift, Love Story.




6.     The Loft

Visited the new study area on the top floor of Devonshire house yet? From what we’ve heard it’s quite nice and cosy up there…


7.     INTO Building Car Park

Taking the phrase “On it like car bonnet” to the next level. Perfect for those exhibitionists out there.


8.     Lafrowda Tennis Courts

Ever fancied kicking back with your favourite tennis partner after an intense match? Lots of space, pretty well enclosed… need we say more?



9.     Laundry Room

Fancy mixing up your standard weekly wash? Apparently washing machine vibrations are the new way to crank it up.


10.  Campus Lifts

Ever wanted to do it a lift? We recommend picking the tallest building on campus (The Physics building comes to mind), selecting the highest floor, and the rest we’ll leave up to you… (Beware: lifts occasionally stop for other people)


Happy Humping!


Photo credits: tumblr.com, columbiaspectator.com, whatthehealthmag.com, theproseandthepassion.com, sir-robert-mcalpine.com, thestudentchannel.com, exeter.ac.uk, intohigher.com, procorm.com, p.gr-assets.com, i.ytimg.com